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The Dragon Balls

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The Dragon Balls
Wish-Granting Orbs
There can be no Dragon World, and certainly no Dragon Ball, without the titular objects that the entire franchise centers around: the wish-granting Dragon Balls.

While other games and roleplaying experiences tend to shy away from the true power of the Dragon Balls, on Dragon World we attempt to fully embrace it. The Dragon Balls are powerful, game-changing tools that will often be at the very center of events and the adventures of your characters.

It is strongly advised to make many of your decisions around how you intend to use the Dragon Balls yourself, not if, and who might be able to help you achieve those goals.

It is important to note that the Dragon Balls are largely unknown or, even among those who have heard rumors, thought to be silly works of fiction. How your character comes to know of them may make for an interesting subject for a Quest, a fight, or more.

On Dragon World, what makes our approach to the Dragon Balls so unique is that, for the most part, we play wishes by ear. If you're making a wish, you will be able to ask a member of Staff for anything you desire. Of course, try to be reasonable. You will never be awarded a Power Level of a quadrillion from a single wish, you can never wish someone else dead, you will never be given infinite Zeni. Instead of asking for more of what you can get normally, it is recommended to ask for something you cannot normally get, and see where that goes.

There are, however, some pre-defined wishes that you can pick from as well. It is also important to understand that wishes are considered equal. Wishes upon the set on Namek are no different than the single wish on Earth's set.

Power Level or Zeni: You can increase your Power Level by 50% or give yourself 10,000 Zeni.
Restore Life: You can bring a character back from the dead! This will also remove them from the Afterlife, returning them to a planet of their choice. You can also revive multiple characters and even NPCs, as long as they can be defined in a single group, such as "Everyone killed by Freeza!" or "the people of Earth!"
Restore World: A planet can be fixed, or physically restored entirely, with a single wish.
Teleportation: You can instantly move any character from one location to another, even across dimensions.
Immortality: Your character becomes immortal! They cannot die, though they can still be defeated in combat. You can also strip immortality from another character with a wish.
Legendary Awakening: Your character awakens the latent power of their species! Applies the "Legendary" prefix to all Normal and Super Transformations, giving them the Berserk, Grade 2, and Overflowing traits. The Berserk trait can be removed through Mastery via a Transformation Quest, even for Permanent Transformations.
God Ki Knowledge: Your character can use a wish to learn of God Ki and, perhaps, a means by which a mortal may attain it. It is strongly recommended for the character to have good reason to make this wish, as it is uniquely specific, and often has no benefit until deep into a Campaign.
Escape Maikai: Requires the power of three wishes to move a soul from Maikai to Heaven, Hell, or the Check-In Station dependent upon their Alignment.

After wishes are made, the Dragon Ball set becomes inactive for four Quarters and cannot be gathered.

Dragon Ball Sets
This is simply the status of the various sets of Dragon Balls in the universe. They will either be shown as active or inactive, with the date they next become active. They can also be shown as partially-gathered if at least one person has collected a Dragon Ball.

Earth Set: One Wish [Active]
Namek Set: Three Wishes [Active]
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