Joining the Dragon World
Character Creation
Before we begin, an important note: When you register your first account, register it as an "OOC" Account for yourself. This will represent you the player. Future accounts you create will be named after your characters. This makes organizing Dragon World much easier!
Try to keep all of your in-character posts to your character accounts, while all of your out-of-character posts are reserved for your OOC Account, such as managing the character sheets for your various characters.
Note! For those who don't want to create multiple emails for their account, you you can add a variant to the end of your email using the + symbol. For example: and will both send emails to the same inbox.
Character Bio & Approval
Joining Dragon World RPG is a simple process of applying for a certain character, getting it approved, and then beginning to play!
First, you start by reading the content of this board thoroughly before making a decision as to whether or not you want to play! Although Dragon World isn't meant to be time-consuming, it is best experienced over the long-term.
If you still wish to join, start by filling out the Character Bio template as shown and explained below. Include a picture of your character in this post, if you want to display one. Post it in the Character Applications board for open discussion with other players and review by a member of Staff. Approval isn't based on some subjective measure of "quality," as Dragon World intends to be open to beginner and advanced writers alike. The primary creator of Dragon World got his start on RP forums such as this and wants to create the same opportunity for others.
Approval instead hinges on two factors: First, your ability to coherently described your character in the appearance section. While this doesn't need to be detailed or eloquent, it does need to paint a clear picture and be understandable. Second and most importantly is the background section, which will show how much you've read about Dragon World RPG and whether or not you're going to be a good contributor to the game for everyone else. Backgrounds that talk about how your character was born a Super Saiyan 3 do not demonstrate either of those qualities.
After you have filled this out, posted it in the Character Applications board, and gotten approved, the approved version will be posted in Character Bios.
Note! Currently, players are allowed to have two characters each. It's considered very poor taste for these characters to be allies, except temporarily.
Name: The name of your character. Most names in Dragon Ball are themed, so be sure to read about your intended race!
Race: Your Race and Class, such as, "Saiyan, Noble". Bio-Androids list their Race, Class, and then traits, such as, "Bio-Android, Metamorphosis: Zenkai, Saiyan Tail, Mutant". Cyborgs do something similar, such as, "Namekian Cyborg: Regeneration, Infinite Energy"
Alignment: Good, Evil, or Neutral. Affects your character's time in the Afterlife! This can change over time, but only with good reason.
Age: Your character's age in years.
Appearance: Give a description of your character's physical apperance. Focus primarily on what doesn't change about them, to save yourself from writing about your Saiyan's black hair in every roleplay post you make. If you want to get particularly detailed, you can share what they sound like, mannerisms, and how they carry themselves.
Background: Tell us about your character's past and where they came from. This can include family and major events. In particular, tell us what has happened to cause them to begin what will become their adventure throughout our Dragon World. For characters joining later into the Campaign, it is also especially important to give us a background that explains their heightened level of power; doubly so if you're starting when players are already at Super Saiyan levels and beyond!
Character Sheet
After you have filled this out, posted it in the Character Applications board, and gotten approved, you'll be setup with your private Character Board. This will be a board on the forum that only you and needed Staff members have access to, where your private stats will be kept, as well as where you'll perform various activities.
In it, create an Article-type thread with your character name as the title and with the following filled out as described below. It will then be reviewed by a member of Staff, validated, and pinned.
Location: Your starting location.
EXP: You begin with 1,000 EXP! This will allow you to increase your Power Level, learn Techniques, or acquire Zeni which may be spent on items purchased at normal prices as if your character were at the Interstellar Market.
Power Level: Your starting Power Level, given to you privately after character approval.
HP: Your starting HP.
Ki: Your starting Ki.
Attack: Your starting Attack, determined by starting skills, items, etc.
Defense: Your starting Defense, determined by starting skills, items, etc.
Technique List: 0/?? Replace the ?? with the number of Technique Slots you possess, primarily determined by your Intelligence skill.
Signature & Finisher Techniques
Items & Zeni
Copy and paste the code for the templates from here.
Character Creation
Before we begin, an important note: When you register your first account, register it as an "OOC" Account for yourself. This will represent you the player. Future accounts you create will be named after your characters. This makes organizing Dragon World much easier!
Try to keep all of your in-character posts to your character accounts, while all of your out-of-character posts are reserved for your OOC Account, such as managing the character sheets for your various characters.
Note! For those who don't want to create multiple emails for their account, you you can add a variant to the end of your email using the + symbol. For example: and will both send emails to the same inbox.
Character Bio & Approval
Joining Dragon World RPG is a simple process of applying for a certain character, getting it approved, and then beginning to play!
First, you start by reading the content of this board thoroughly before making a decision as to whether or not you want to play! Although Dragon World isn't meant to be time-consuming, it is best experienced over the long-term.
If you still wish to join, start by filling out the Character Bio template as shown and explained below. Include a picture of your character in this post, if you want to display one. Post it in the Character Applications board for open discussion with other players and review by a member of Staff. Approval isn't based on some subjective measure of "quality," as Dragon World intends to be open to beginner and advanced writers alike. The primary creator of Dragon World got his start on RP forums such as this and wants to create the same opportunity for others.
Approval instead hinges on two factors: First, your ability to coherently described your character in the appearance section. While this doesn't need to be detailed or eloquent, it does need to paint a clear picture and be understandable. Second and most importantly is the background section, which will show how much you've read about Dragon World RPG and whether or not you're going to be a good contributor to the game for everyone else. Backgrounds that talk about how your character was born a Super Saiyan 3 do not demonstrate either of those qualities.
After you have filled this out, posted it in the Character Applications board, and gotten approved, the approved version will be posted in Character Bios.
Note! Currently, players are allowed to have two characters each. It's considered very poor taste for these characters to be allies, except temporarily.
Name: The name of your character. Most names in Dragon Ball are themed, so be sure to read about your intended race!
Race: Your Race and Class, such as, "Saiyan, Noble". Bio-Androids list their Race, Class, and then traits, such as, "Bio-Android, Metamorphosis: Zenkai, Saiyan Tail, Mutant". Cyborgs do something similar, such as, "Namekian Cyborg: Regeneration, Infinite Energy"
Alignment: Good, Evil, or Neutral. Affects your character's time in the Afterlife! This can change over time, but only with good reason.
Age: Your character's age in years.
Appearance: Give a description of your character's physical apperance. Focus primarily on what doesn't change about them, to save yourself from writing about your Saiyan's black hair in every roleplay post you make. If you want to get particularly detailed, you can share what they sound like, mannerisms, and how they carry themselves.
Background: Tell us about your character's past and where they came from. This can include family and major events. In particular, tell us what has happened to cause them to begin what will become their adventure throughout our Dragon World. For characters joining later into the Campaign, it is also especially important to give us a background that explains their heightened level of power; doubly so if you're starting when players are already at Super Saiyan levels and beyond!
Character Sheet
After you have filled this out, posted it in the Character Applications board, and gotten approved, you'll be setup with your private Character Board. This will be a board on the forum that only you and needed Staff members have access to, where your private stats will be kept, as well as where you'll perform various activities.
In it, create an Article-type thread with your character name as the title and with the following filled out as described below. It will then be reviewed by a member of Staff, validated, and pinned.
Location: Your starting location.
EXP: You begin with 1,000 EXP! This will allow you to increase your Power Level, learn Techniques, or acquire Zeni which may be spent on items purchased at normal prices as if your character were at the Interstellar Market.
Power Level: Your starting Power Level, given to you privately after character approval.
HP: Your starting HP.
Ki: Your starting Ki.
Attack: Your starting Attack, determined by starting skills, items, etc.
Defense: Your starting Defense, determined by starting skills, items, etc.
- Combat: Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
- Mobility: Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
- Ki Control: Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
- Constitution: Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
- Intelligence: Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
- Your starter Transformation, if you have one!
- Any other transformations you have unlocked and any traits applied if they have been mastered, such as, "True Form: Full-Power"
Technique List: 0/?? Replace the ?? with the number of Technique Slots you possess, primarily determined by your Intelligence skill.
- Do not list the Fundamental Techniques!
- You begin with five Techniques of your choice that do not count against your Technique slots! Humans begin with ten!
Signature & Finisher Techniques
Paste your technique details in here!
Items & Zeni
- Zeni: Your starting Zeni goes here!
- Put starting items below!
Copy and paste the code for the templates from here.
[B]Name:[/B] The name of your character. Most names in Dragon Ball are themed, so be sure to read about your intended race!
[B]Race:[/B] Your Race and Class, such as, "Saiyan, Noble". Bio-Androids list their Race, Class, and then traits, such as, "Bio-Android, Metamorphosis: Zenkai, Saiyan Tail, Mutant". Cyborgs do something similar, such as, "Namekian Cyborg: Regeneration, Infinite Energy"
[b]Alignment:[/B] Good, Evil, or Neutral. Affects your character's time in the Afterlife! This can change over time, but only with good reason.
[B]Age:[/B] Your character's age in years.
[B]Appearance:[/B] Give a description of your character's physical apperance. Focus primarily on what doesn't change about them, to save yourself from writing about your Saiyan's black hair in every roleplay post you make. If you want to get particularly detailed, you can share what they sound like, mannerisms, and how they carry themselves.
[B]Background:[/B] Tell us about your character's past and where they came from. This can include family and major events. In particular, tell us what has happened to cause them to begin what will become their adventure throughout our Dragon World. For characters joining later into the Campaign, it is also especially important to give us a background that explains their heightened level of power; doubly so if you're starting when players are already at Super Saiyan levels and beyond!
[B]Location:[/B] Your starting location.
[B]EXP:[/B] You begin with 1,000 EXP! This will allow you to increase your Power Level, learn Techniques, or acquire Zeni which may be spent on items purchased at normal prices as if your character were at the Interstellar Market.
[B]Power Level:[/B] Your starting Power Level, given to you privately after character approval.
[B]HP:[/B] Your starting HP.
[B]Ki:[/B] Your starting Ki.
[B]Attack:[/B] Your starting Attack, determined by starting skills, items, etc.
[B]Defense:[/B] Your starting Defense, determined by starting skills, items, etc.
[*][B]Combat:[/B] Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
[*][B]Mobility:[/B] Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
[*][B]Ki Control:[/B] Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
[*][B]Constitution:[/B] Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
[*][B]Intelligence:[/B] Your rank in this skill, from None to Z.
[*]Your starter Transformation, if you have one!
[*]Any other transformations you have unlocked and any traits applied if they have been mastered, such as, "True Form: Full-Power"
[B][U]Technique List: 0/??[/U][/B] Replace the ?? with the number of Technique Slots you possess, primarily determined by your Intelligence skill.
[*]Do not list the Fundamental Techniques!
[*]You begin with five Techniques of your choice that do not count against your Technique slots! Humans begin with ten!
[B][U]Signature & Finisher Techniques[/U][/B]
[SPOILER="Technique Name"]Paste your technique details in here![/SPOILER]
[B][U]Items & Zeni[/U][/B]
[*][B]Zeni:[/B] Your starting Zeni goes here!
[*]Put starting items below!
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