Races & Transformations
The universe of the Dragon World is made up of a primary set of playable races, with the potential for more to be added over time. This first section will be to display basic information about the various races as well as define what their Race Traits do.
Name: The name of the species.
Description: Some basic information. Knowledge of Dragon Ball, or the ability to read the Dragon Ball wiki, is assumed. This section will focus on what's likely to be different about them versus the source material.
Name Theme: Most names in Dragon Ball are puns! Saiyans like Kakarot, Vegeta, Caulifla, Broly. Humans like Bulma, Trunks, Bra. Freeza. Cooler. Piccolo. This lists the theme for that race.
Typical Alignment: To give you an idea of the morality of the people when it comes to common Dragon Ball tropes, like killing.
Average Power Level: To give you an idea of the typical strength of their Ki-wielding fighters -- not their population overall. Useful for roleplaying purposes. The most powerful among them are, typically, about 10x stronger than the average.
Race Traits
The traits that define this particular species within the game world. In addition to the Race Traits, players pick one Class Trait for their character.
Trait: One of their traits.
Trait: Another of their traits. Most species have two.
Class Traits:
A list of all the transformations associated with that species. More on Transformations in a later section. With the exception of well-defined transformations such as Super Saiyan and its variants, you have great creative freedom in how you choose to portray the transformation and what you name it.
List of Races
Tiers & Types
Much like in our source material, on Dragon World the various Transformations are primarily tied to one's Race.
Unlike our source material, transformations exist for every playable race to prevent just Saiyans from becoming runaway powerhouses that no one else can truly compete with. To manage this, we have Transformations divided into multiple tiers and two primary types, all with their own rules.
Note! Transformations do not stack unless specified otherwise.
Normal Transformations are the first tier. There are four such tiers in total, increasing Power Level by 1.5x, 2x, 3x, and 4x. These transformations are referred to as Normal 1 [N1], Normal 2 [N2], Normal 3 [N3], and Normal 4 [N4]. All races start with their Normal 1, if they possess one. Otherwise, all Transformations must be unlocked via Transformation Quests after reaching a certain Power Level threshold. Starting with N2, those thresholds are: 5,000, 10,000, and 50,000
Super Transformations are the second tier. There are three such tiers in total, increasing Power Level by 10x, 20x, and 40x. These transformations are referred to as Super 1 [S1], Super 2 [S2], Super 3 [S3]. The thresholds for unlocking these Transformations, beginning with S1, are: 1,000,000, 1,000,000,000 (billion), and 1,000,000,000,000 (trillion). Super Transformations are unique in that you cannot immediately do a Transformation Quest to unlock them once you have reached the necessary Power Level. Instead, a character must first unlock a Super Transformation of the desired Tier in an event. Afterwards, other characters may unlock those Transformations as normal.
The two main types of Transformations center around whether the Transformation is or is not always activated.
Temporary Transformations [T] refer to Transformations that can end, even against the will of the character. Requires an Extra Action to activate. These Transformations cost 10 Ki per post to maintain, but can benefit from Transformation Mastery and the associated Transformation Traits. Should you ever end a post at 0 Ki, the Transformation ends.
Permanent Transformations [P] refer to Transformations that are "always on," so to speak. These can be thresholds of power that have been reached, or simply Transformations that require no exertion or will to maintain. They do not cost Ki per post, but do not benefit from Mastery or Transformation Traits. These do not change your Base Power Level, but change your Transformed Power Level as normal.
Mastery & Traits
For Temporary Transformations, the tradeoff of the associated Ki Cost is the ability to create custom advancements and variations on the Transformation.
This is done by completing another Transformation Quest for your Transformation, after already unlocking it. When you do, you may add one of the following traits.
Some Transformations begin with the Exhausting or Berserk trait applied to them. When undergoing Transformation Mastery, the only customization is the removal of said trait.
Note! While you cannot apply multiple traits to a single Transformation, you can repeat a Transformation Quest a third time or more in order to create additional variations on your Transformation.
Special Transformations
There exist unique Transformations decoupled from Race that have unique effects and mechanics. These are typically, but not always, acquired through Special Quests.
These forms cannot be improved through Transformation Quests unless explicitly stated otherwise.
An Android can push their mechanical components beyond their normal limits, at the cost of rapidly breaking themselves down.
Temporary Transformation. Power Level increases by 3x. HP decreases by 15 per post. Can also stack multiplicatively with an Android's Super Transformations, turning a 10x into a 30x. Each use requires the Android to spend 2,000z on self-repairs before they can use this form again.
A red light envelopes the body and saturates the skin, dramatically increasing fighting power at a severe physical cost.
Temporary Transformation. Power Level increases by 1.5x, 2x, 3x, or 4x for Kaioken, Kaioken x2, etc., respectively. HP decreases per turn by 5, 10, 15, and 20 respectively. These transformations can be stacked additively with Normal Transformations.
God Form
After the acquisition of God Ki, you have learned how to control its use and enter into a form that utilizes that divine energy solely.
Requires God Ki. Permanent Transformation. Power Level increases 50x.
Super God Form
You have learned to incorporate the traits and foundation of your first Super Transformation with your God Ki.
Requires God Ki and God Form. Temporary Transformation. Power Level increases 100x. This transformation can be modified through Transformation Quests.
The universe of the Dragon World is made up of a primary set of playable races, with the potential for more to be added over time. This first section will be to display basic information about the various races as well as define what their Race Traits do.
Name: The name of the species.
Description: Some basic information. Knowledge of Dragon Ball, or the ability to read the Dragon Ball wiki, is assumed. This section will focus on what's likely to be different about them versus the source material.
Name Theme: Most names in Dragon Ball are puns! Saiyans like Kakarot, Vegeta, Caulifla, Broly. Humans like Bulma, Trunks, Bra. Freeza. Cooler. Piccolo. This lists the theme for that race.
Typical Alignment: To give you an idea of the morality of the people when it comes to common Dragon Ball tropes, like killing.
Average Power Level: To give you an idea of the typical strength of their Ki-wielding fighters -- not their population overall. Useful for roleplaying purposes. The most powerful among them are, typically, about 10x stronger than the average.
Race Traits
The traits that define this particular species within the game world. In addition to the Race Traits, players pick one Class Trait for their character.
Trait: One of their traits.
Trait: Another of their traits. Most species have two.
Class Traits:
- Class: One of their Class Traits.
- Class: Another of their Class Traits. Most species have two.
A list of all the transformations associated with that species. More on Transformations in a later section. With the exception of well-defined transformations such as Super Saiyan and its variants, you have great creative freedom in how you choose to portray the transformation and what you name it.
- Transformation [Type]
- Transformation [Type]
List of Races
Description: The native people of Earth. Generally considered an unimpressive species within the universe at-large. Although viewed as naturally kind-hearted, many are capable of great acts of cruelty. The world is ruled by a global democracy, where people vote for their leaders and lawmakers. Humans have only recently joined the interstellar community and begun to mingle with the various aliens across the stars. Humans take on roles throughout the universe as varied as they are.
Name Theme: Clothing & Food
Typical Alignment: Good
Average Power Level: 200
Race Traits
Innate Mastery: Starts with three extra Technique Slots, for a total of 8.
Technical Prowess: Able to use one additional Finisher-type Technique per battle.
Human Tenacity: Once per battle, when under 50% HP, roll twice the number of damage die on a Signature-type Technique.
Class Traits:
Description: The dominant species of the planet Vegeta. This is a race of fighters and space mercenaries ruled by a powerful warrior-monarch. Saiyans age slowly, remaining in their physical prime until they approach eighty years of age and then rapidly display signs of aging. Infighting is common, yet the stability of Saiyan remains due to a deep-seated respect for whoever is the strongest. Saiyans often act as bounty hunters, conquerors, soldiers for hire, and any other role that requires a closed fist, throughout the universe.
Name Theme: Vegetables
Typical Alignment: Evil
Average Power Level: 2,000
Race Traits
Zenkai: Power Level gains from combat are doubled. If the Saiyan dropped to or below 50% of their total HP, the gains are quadrupled.
Saiyan Tail: Increases Current Power Level by 50%, a benefit which is lost if the tail is Severed. Starts with Oozaru. Required for all Oozaru transformations.
Class Traits:
Description: A green-skinned race of peaceful people with an agrarian lifestyle who can live to be five hundred years old or more. Although Namekians keep to themselves and rarely cause trouble for others, they have a long and storied history of Martial Arts. They also possess deep ties to the mystical and magical which are not fully understood. When Namekians do choose to travel the universe, they often wander on personal journeys of enlightenment or growth.
Name Theme: Wind Instruments & Slugs
Typical Alignment: Good
Average Power Level: 500
Race Traits
Regeneration: Possesses the Special Technique, Regeneration, without the cost of a Technique Slot.
Dragon Ball Affinity: Does not require a Dragon Radar to perform the Gather Dragon Balls Activity.
Mystic: Able to learn and use Mystic-type Techniques.
Class Traits:
Description: Sometimes referred to as Frost Demons, Arcosians, or "Freeza's Race". The frozen wastes of their homeworld have given birth to a hardy species possessed of natural body armor, great strength, extreme cunning, and deeply selfish inclinations. The Changelings have largely become a mercantile society, buying, selling, swindling, and manipulating their way throughout the universe. They, and all their people across the universe, are ruled by Emperor of the dominant Cold Clan.
Name Theme: Temperature
Typical Alignment: Evil
Average Power Level: 1,000
Race Traits
Natural Power: Start with all Normal Transformations unlocked. Unlocks or starts with (if starting Power Level is high enough) Super Transformations if another character has already achieved that tier, without the need for a Transformation Quest.
Survivable: Can avoid death once by becoming a Cyborg, bringing over this and the Natural Power traits, after a wait time of 2 Quarters. Able to survive the destruction of a planet.
Space Affinity: Able to fly between planets without a spaceship. Requires 6 Quarters per Journey. Reduces to 4 Quarters at 100,000 Base Power Level, 2 Quarters at 1,000,000, and 1 Quarter at 1,000,000,000.
Class Traits:
Description: Androids come in many forms and from all kinds of different origins. They can be used as anything from domestic servants, to soldiers, or simply be considered citizens along their organic counterparts. Some are even Cyborgs, deeply changed by technology. Many congregate on the planet M-1, considered a safe haven for their kind.
Name Theme: Numbers & Metals
Typical Alignment: Neutral
Average Power Level: 1,000
Race Traits
Antisense: Cannot be sensed or detected by any kind of Scouter.
Artificial Lifeform: When killed in combat, the Android can simply spend 200 EXP and wait 2 Quarters to get themselves rebuilt and bypass the Afterlife. They also start with the Special Transformation, Overclock.
Cyborg: At the cost of the Artificial Lifeform Trait, an Android can choose this. When they do, they get to select one base Race Trait from a parent Race, and they use their Transformations. They still select their Class Trait from the Android list below.
Class Traits:
Description: A rare subtype of lifeform, considered an Android only because of their artificial origins. These beings are anything from monstrous creatures to seemingly normal-looking individuals who have had their genetics fundamentally altered by mixing in traits from other species throughout the universe.
Name Theme: Genetic & Biological Terms
Typical Alignment: Neutral
Average Power Level: Varies
Race Traits
Genetic Amalgam: Choose two base Race Traits and one Class Trait from any species except Shinjin. You cannot choose the Cyborg or Artificial Lifeform traits. In addition, you still choose one of the native Class Traits below.
Class Traits:
Description: The race of brightly-skinned, pointed-ear beings that watch over the universe from the Afterlife. These beings are born from tree-grown fruit on the world of Kaishin, though some fruit have been known to fall into Hell before hatching. Shinjin, or simply "Kai," don't often take an interest in martial arts, but when they do, they possess incredible aptitude. Instead, many pursue magical, philosophical, or historical studies.
Name Theme: Gods & Attendants
Typical Alignment: Good
Average Power Level: 1,000
Race Traits
Gods of Creation: Start with the Ki stat as God Ki and double the usual Starting Power Level. Able to learn and use Mystic-type Techniques.
Afterlife Affinity: Can perform all Activities in the Afterlife as if dead.
Kai Kai: Possesses the Special Technique, Kai Kai, but it does cost its usual one, two, or three Technique Slots.
Class Traits:
Description: The native people of Earth. Generally considered an unimpressive species within the universe at-large. Although viewed as naturally kind-hearted, many are capable of great acts of cruelty. The world is ruled by a global democracy, where people vote for their leaders and lawmakers. Humans have only recently joined the interstellar community and begun to mingle with the various aliens across the stars. Humans take on roles throughout the universe as varied as they are.
Name Theme: Clothing & Food
Typical Alignment: Good
Average Power Level: 200
Race Traits
Innate Mastery: Starts with three extra Technique Slots, for a total of 8.
Technical Prowess: Able to use one additional Finisher-type Technique per battle.
Human Tenacity: Once per battle, when under 50% HP, roll twice the number of damage die on a Signature-type Technique.
Class Traits:
- Martial Artist: Every other post in battle, starting with your first, gain an extra Standard Action.
- Spiritualist: Able to learn and use Mystic-type Techniques.
- Genius: All gains for Zeni from the Working Activity are doubled.
- Unlock Potential [T-N4]
- Super Human [P-S1]
- Spiritual Awakening [P-S2]
- Dragon [T-S3]
Description: The dominant species of the planet Vegeta. This is a race of fighters and space mercenaries ruled by a powerful warrior-monarch. Saiyans age slowly, remaining in their physical prime until they approach eighty years of age and then rapidly display signs of aging. Infighting is common, yet the stability of Saiyan remains due to a deep-seated respect for whoever is the strongest. Saiyans often act as bounty hunters, conquerors, soldiers for hire, and any other role that requires a closed fist, throughout the universe.
Name Theme: Vegetables
Typical Alignment: Evil
Average Power Level: 2,000
Race Traits
Zenkai: Power Level gains from combat are doubled. If the Saiyan dropped to or below 50% of their total HP, the gains are quadrupled.
Saiyan Tail: Increases Current Power Level by 50%, a benefit which is lost if the tail is Severed. Starts with Oozaru. Required for all Oozaru transformations.
Class Traits:
- Noble: Oozaru starts mastered, with the Berserk trait removed. All other transformations are also mastered immediately upon unlock, with the Mastered trait.
- Commoner: Gains 25% more total Power Level from Training. Example: If a session would give you 100 Power Level, it gives you 125 instead.
- Oozaru [T-N2]: Berserk
- Super Saiyan [T-S1]
- Super Saiyan 2 [T-S2]
- Super Saiyan 3 [T-S3]: Exhausting
Description: A green-skinned race of peaceful people with an agrarian lifestyle who can live to be five hundred years old or more. Although Namekians keep to themselves and rarely cause trouble for others, they have a long and storied history of Martial Arts. They also possess deep ties to the mystical and magical which are not fully understood. When Namekians do choose to travel the universe, they often wander on personal journeys of enlightenment or growth.
Name Theme: Wind Instruments & Slugs
Typical Alignment: Good
Average Power Level: 500
Race Traits
Regeneration: Possesses the Special Technique, Regeneration, without the cost of a Technique Slot.
Dragon Ball Affinity: Does not require a Dragon Radar to perform the Gather Dragon Balls Activity.
Mystic: Able to learn and use Mystic-type Techniques.
Class Traits:
- Dragon Caste: Able to create 1, 2, or 3-Wish Dragon Balls for 100, 200, or 300 EXP and 1, 2, or 3 Quarters. Cannot create Dragon Balls on a planet that a already has a native set. Dragon Balls become inactive if you die. Acquire the full set upon their creation, which can be immediately used.
- Warrior Caste: Regeneration heals twice the usual amount of HP per use.
- Great Namek [P-N3]
- Super Namek [P-S1]
- Ultra Namek [P-S2]
- Hyper Namek [P-S3]
Description: Sometimes referred to as Frost Demons, Arcosians, or "Freeza's Race". The frozen wastes of their homeworld have given birth to a hardy species possessed of natural body armor, great strength, extreme cunning, and deeply selfish inclinations. The Changelings have largely become a mercantile society, buying, selling, swindling, and manipulating their way throughout the universe. They, and all their people across the universe, are ruled by Emperor of the dominant Cold Clan.
Name Theme: Temperature
Typical Alignment: Evil
Average Power Level: 1,000
Race Traits
Natural Power: Start with all Normal Transformations unlocked. Unlocks or starts with (if starting Power Level is high enough) Super Transformations if another character has already achieved that tier, without the need for a Transformation Quest.
Survivable: Can avoid death once by becoming a Cyborg, bringing over this and the Natural Power traits, after a wait time of 2 Quarters. Able to survive the destruction of a planet.
Space Affinity: Able to fly between planets without a spaceship. Requires 6 Quarters per Journey. Reduces to 4 Quarters at 100,000 Base Power Level, 2 Quarters at 1,000,000, and 1 Quarter at 1,000,000,000.
Class Traits:
- Cold Clan: When buying items while at the Interstellar Market, they cost 25% (1/4th) of their usual price.
- Mutant: Your Starting Power Level is four times what it would normally be. Choose this trait wisely, as the benefits are often quite temporary.
- Restricted Form [P-N1]
- Horned Form [T-N2]
- Monster Form [T-N3]
- True Form [T-N4]
- Armored Form [T-S1]
- Augmented Form [T-S2]
- Ultimate Evolution [T-S3]: Exhausting
Description: Androids come in many forms and from all kinds of different origins. They can be used as anything from domestic servants, to soldiers, or simply be considered citizens along their organic counterparts. Some are even Cyborgs, deeply changed by technology. Many congregate on the planet M-1, considered a safe haven for their kind.
Name Theme: Numbers & Metals
Typical Alignment: Neutral
Average Power Level: 1,000
Race Traits
Antisense: Cannot be sensed or detected by any kind of Scouter.
Artificial Lifeform: When killed in combat, the Android can simply spend 200 EXP and wait 2 Quarters to get themselves rebuilt and bypass the Afterlife. They also start with the Special Transformation, Overclock.
Cyborg: At the cost of the Artificial Lifeform Trait, an Android can choose this. When they do, they get to select one base Race Trait from a parent Race, and they use their Transformations. They still select their Class Trait from the Android list below.
Class Traits:
- Energy Absorption: Possesses the Special Technique, Energy Absorption, without the cost of a Technique Slot.
- Infinite Energy: Power Up restores twice the amount of Ki per use.
- Special Transformation: Overclock
- Beta [P-S1]
- Alpha [P-S2]
- Omega [P-S3]
Description: A rare subtype of lifeform, considered an Android only because of their artificial origins. These beings are anything from monstrous creatures to seemingly normal-looking individuals who have had their genetics fundamentally altered by mixing in traits from other species throughout the universe.
Name Theme: Genetic & Biological Terms
Typical Alignment: Neutral
Average Power Level: Varies
Race Traits
Genetic Amalgam: Choose two base Race Traits and one Class Trait from any species except Shinjin. You cannot choose the Cyborg or Artificial Lifeform traits. In addition, you still choose one of the native Class Traits below.
Class Traits:
- Biological Absorption: Upon killing a non-Android (Cyborg is valid) character in combat, you gain 100% of their Power Level. Only one absorption per battle. This ability is lost when the Perfect Transformation is achieved. Transformations require 25% more Power Level.
- Metamorphosis: Transformation require only 75% of the usual Power Level.
- Imperfect [P-N1]
- Semi-Perfect [P-N3]
- Perfect [P-S1]
- Super-Perfect [P-S3]
Description: The race of brightly-skinned, pointed-ear beings that watch over the universe from the Afterlife. These beings are born from tree-grown fruit on the world of Kaishin, though some fruit have been known to fall into Hell before hatching. Shinjin, or simply "Kai," don't often take an interest in martial arts, but when they do, they possess incredible aptitude. Instead, many pursue magical, philosophical, or historical studies.
Name Theme: Gods & Attendants
Typical Alignment: Good
Average Power Level: 1,000
Race Traits
Gods of Creation: Start with the Ki stat as God Ki and double the usual Starting Power Level. Able to learn and use Mystic-type Techniques.
Afterlife Affinity: Can perform all Activities in the Afterlife as if dead.
Kai Kai: Possesses the Special Technique, Kai Kai, but it does cost its usual one, two, or three Technique Slots.
Class Traits:
- Kai: Must begin with the Good Alignment. Starts with the Special Quest, Kaioshin Sei Invitation, complete.
- Makai: Must begin with the Evil Alignment. Immune to the character-deleting effect of Maikai. Instead, after one year in Maikai, they will emerge into Hell.
- Kaio [P-N2]
- Grand Kaio [P-N4]
- Kaioshin [P-S2]
- Grand Kaioshin [P-S3]
Tiers & Types
Much like in our source material, on Dragon World the various Transformations are primarily tied to one's Race.
Unlike our source material, transformations exist for every playable race to prevent just Saiyans from becoming runaway powerhouses that no one else can truly compete with. To manage this, we have Transformations divided into multiple tiers and two primary types, all with their own rules.
Note! Transformations do not stack unless specified otherwise.
Normal Transformations are the first tier. There are four such tiers in total, increasing Power Level by 1.5x, 2x, 3x, and 4x. These transformations are referred to as Normal 1 [N1], Normal 2 [N2], Normal 3 [N3], and Normal 4 [N4]. All races start with their Normal 1, if they possess one. Otherwise, all Transformations must be unlocked via Transformation Quests after reaching a certain Power Level threshold. Starting with N2, those thresholds are: 5,000, 10,000, and 50,000
Super Transformations are the second tier. There are three such tiers in total, increasing Power Level by 10x, 20x, and 40x. These transformations are referred to as Super 1 [S1], Super 2 [S2], Super 3 [S3]. The thresholds for unlocking these Transformations, beginning with S1, are: 1,000,000, 1,000,000,000 (billion), and 1,000,000,000,000 (trillion). Super Transformations are unique in that you cannot immediately do a Transformation Quest to unlock them once you have reached the necessary Power Level. Instead, a character must first unlock a Super Transformation of the desired Tier in an event. Afterwards, other characters may unlock those Transformations as normal.
The two main types of Transformations center around whether the Transformation is or is not always activated.
Temporary Transformations [T] refer to Transformations that can end, even against the will of the character. Requires an Extra Action to activate. These Transformations cost 10 Ki per post to maintain, but can benefit from Transformation Mastery and the associated Transformation Traits. Should you ever end a post at 0 Ki, the Transformation ends.
Permanent Transformations [P] refer to Transformations that are "always on," so to speak. These can be thresholds of power that have been reached, or simply Transformations that require no exertion or will to maintain. They do not cost Ki per post, but do not benefit from Mastery or Transformation Traits. These do not change your Base Power Level, but change your Transformed Power Level as normal.
Mastery & Traits
For Temporary Transformations, the tradeoff of the associated Ki Cost is the ability to create custom advancements and variations on the Transformation.
This is done by completing another Transformation Quest for your Transformation, after already unlocking it. When you do, you may add one of the following traits.
- Mastered: The Transformation costs no Ki to maintain and only an Instant Action to start.
- Grade 2: Increase the Power Level multiplier by 50%. A 2x form becomes 3x.
- Grade 3, "Full Power": Double the Power Level multiplier. A 2x form becomes 4x. Defense is decreased by 4 while in this form.
- Exhausting: The Transformation costs 20 Ki per post. Attack Rolls increase by 1, Damage by 3.
- Berserk: Assign a number to each participant in a fight. Roll a die with that number of sides each post, and that will be the target for all of your attacks. The total Damage of each attack is increased by 6.
- Efficient: The Power Level multiplier of a Transformation is 75% of normal. A 2x form becomes 1.5x. Defense is increased by 4 while in this form.
- Overflowing: This is a special trait that cannot be taken as part of Transformation Mastery and, instead, is acquired by Special Quest. Every post in combat, your Current Power Level rises by 20% over the previous post.
Some Transformations begin with the Exhausting or Berserk trait applied to them. When undergoing Transformation Mastery, the only customization is the removal of said trait.
Note! While you cannot apply multiple traits to a single Transformation, you can repeat a Transformation Quest a third time or more in order to create additional variations on your Transformation.
Special Transformations
There exist unique Transformations decoupled from Race that have unique effects and mechanics. These are typically, but not always, acquired through Special Quests.
These forms cannot be improved through Transformation Quests unless explicitly stated otherwise.
An Android can push their mechanical components beyond their normal limits, at the cost of rapidly breaking themselves down.
Temporary Transformation. Power Level increases by 3x. HP decreases by 15 per post. Can also stack multiplicatively with an Android's Super Transformations, turning a 10x into a 30x. Each use requires the Android to spend 2,000z on self-repairs before they can use this form again.
A red light envelopes the body and saturates the skin, dramatically increasing fighting power at a severe physical cost.
Temporary Transformation. Power Level increases by 1.5x, 2x, 3x, or 4x for Kaioken, Kaioken x2, etc., respectively. HP decreases per turn by 5, 10, 15, and 20 respectively. These transformations can be stacked additively with Normal Transformations.
God Form
After the acquisition of God Ki, you have learned how to control its use and enter into a form that utilizes that divine energy solely.
Requires God Ki. Permanent Transformation. Power Level increases 50x.
Super God Form
You have learned to incorporate the traits and foundation of your first Super Transformation with your God Ki.
Requires God Ki and God Form. Temporary Transformation. Power Level increases 100x. This transformation can be modified through Transformation Quests.
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