Combat, Stats, Techniques
Stats & Skills
The very core of our combat system are a character's stats and skills. Understanding these is crucial to understanding how fighting works in our Dragon World, and to doing well in those fights.
Stats generally represent either something physical or more abstract about a character. Stats like Power Level, HP, and Ki are clear representations of a physical aspect of a character. Stats like Attack and Defense, however, are more abstract values made up of a number of different factors.
Skills are similar abstractions. They loosely represent a combination of natural talent, experience, training and discipline, and even a character's physique. Skills are ultimately what determines the bulk of your character's "build" in RPG terms, as they have a heavy impact on most stats.
Stat Breakdown
Stats are all numeric values, scaling based on a number of different factors.
Power Level
This can be thought of as an average of your physical power and speed. The higher your Power Level, the stronger you are, the faster, the tougher, the greater your Stamina, and more. Power Level is referred to in three, distinct ways.
Current Power Level determines your "League" relative to your opponent in combat, and being in higher and higher Leagues provides ever-greater benefits. The below list shows the Power Level requirement relative to who you're fighting and is individual. If fighting multiple people, your League may be different against each.
League 0: You are effectively equal in power. No change.
League 1: 1.5x Power Level. +1 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +3 Damage (per attack)
League 2: 2x Power Level. +2 Attack, +4 Defense, +4 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +6 Damage (per attack)
League 3: 3x Power Level. +3 Attack, +6 Defense, +6 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +9 Damage (per attack)
League 4: 4x Power Level. +4 Attack, +8 Defense, +8 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +12 Damage (per attack)
League 5: 5x Power Level. +5 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +15 Damage (per attack)
This continues to scale following the same pattern. They are commonly abbreviated as L1, L2, L3, etc.
HP: Your total Health Points. Starts at 100. Like in most games, you lose the fight should this reach zero. Grows with your Constitution skill.
Ki: Your total Ki. Starts at 100. You are still able to fight even while this is at zero. Grows with your Ki Control skill.
Attack: The modifier added to your d20 Attack Roll to determine if a technique hits the target. It can thought of as a form of accuracy. Primarily grows with your Combat skill.
Defense: Begins at 5. This is the number that the total of an Attack Roll must exceed in order for an attack to hit you. Primarily grows with your Mobility skill.
In addition to these, there are other stats not specific to the character as a whole that you should be aware of.
Damage Reduction: Abbreviated as DR. This is the amount of damage reduced by attacks that hit you, per attacker, per post. It is important to understand that this does not reduce the damage of each attack that hits you, but instead the total damage from a single attacker.
Temporary HP: Also known as "Temp HP". These are additional sources of HP "on top" of your normal HP, often provided by Defensive Techniques. These cannot be stacked.
Skill Breakdown
To begin, it is important to note that Skills come in ranks. These ranks range from "None" or "0" and then scale based on letters, in the following order: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, and Z.
These skill ranks are purchased using Skill Points, with all ranks costing 1 Skill Point. All characters begin with 20 Skill Points and can gain additional Skill Points from certain Special Quests.
Additionally, certain skills (and in even rarer cases, stats) can become different skills entirely, usually by Special Quest. Each character may evolve up to two of their skills.
The effects of the various Skills as their rank increases are as follows:
Combat: Increase your Attack by 1 per every other rank. S and Z each add a full point. Examples: Attack is 1 at E, 2 at C, 3 at A, 4 at S, and 5 at Z.
Mobility: Increase your Defense by 1 point. Increase by 2 points each for S and Z.
Ki Control: Increase your Ki by 5. Increase by 10 each for S and Z.
Constitution: Increase your HP by 5. Increase by 10 each for S and Z.
Intelligence: Characters begin with 5 Technique Slots. Each rank adds one Technique Slot. Add two slots each for S and Z.
Techniques are the very foundation of the combat on Dragon World. Very nearly everything you do in combat will be a technique of some kind, if not a Transformation or an item.
Some techniques on Dragon World are premade, but in true Dragon Ball style, many are of your own making as well. Below, we'll break down the common fields that make up a premade technique before listing the various techniques of the main categories.
Name: The name of the technique.
Description: A sensory description of the technique.
Type: The classification of the technique, such as Utility, Defensive, and others.
Action: What kind of action it requires to perform.
Effect / Damage: The dice you roll to determine damage or the mechanical effect of the technique.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Fundamental Techniques
These are the most basic techniques of Dragon World. All characters begin with these and do not need to spend any of their Technique Slots on them, including their starting Technique Slots.
The Team type makes an appearance here, designating a technique that can only be used when fighting alongside allies.
Defense Techniques
These techniques focus on preventing or minimizing damage in some way. These techniques often use the Reaction and need to be learned.
Utility Techniques
These techniques provide some other, miscellaneous effect distinct from Defense Techniques. They often use the Extra Action and need to be learned.
The Mystic type makes an appearance here, designating a technique that can only be used and learned by certain races, such as Namekians.
Signature & Finisher Techniques
While we have provided lists of certain techniques to cover the basics, or create unique mechanics for Dragon World, you'll notice that there are only two offensive techniques listed. Here in Dragon World, to keep with the spirit of Dragon Ball, you the player will create your own offensive techniques using the steps and options below. Most of these will be Signatures, but some can also be powerful Finisher Techniques.
Main Effects
Roll a d10 for these. The roll must be in the top number of sides corresponding with the percentage chance to inflict. For example: A roll of 7, 8, 9, or 10 successfully inflicts on a 40% chance effect, as those are the four largest face values out ten.
Special Techniques
These techniques are unique in that they can only be acquired through unusual means, typically a Special Quest. These are often some of the most powerful techniques, providing access to unique combat mechanics and abilities.
Status Effects
Dragon World has in it a number of effects for techniques that can inflict a Status upon a character. These Statuses and how they work are listed here.
Note! Statuses can be inflicted in many ways in-character, so be creative! Bleed could simply be a heavily bleeding wound, or it could be an active burn, encroaching ice, or poison. Similarly, Bound could be threads of Ki, poison, or even just a physical hold.
Crippled: A limb is broken or otherwise rendered near-impossible to use. Requires two Quarters after the fight to properly heal. Can only be applied to two limbs at a time.
Severed: A limb is removed entirely. Lowers Current Power Level by 15%. Does not heal on its own. Can only be applied to two limbs at a time.
Bleed: -10 HP per post for three posts. Does not stack with itself, but another successful application resets the timer.
Bound: The target loses their Extra and Reaction the post after they get hit. Does not stack with itself.
Stunned: The target loses one Standard Action and cannot attack fleeing characters during the post after they get hit. Does not stack with itself.
Combat System
In short, the system of combat here at Dragon World is very similar to most editions of Dungeons and Dragons. In that sense, it is based on a system of Actions wherein your character does certain things. Here, that is usually the use of a technique of some variety, but may also include Transformations and items.
There are four kinds of actions.
Standard Actions are the bread and butter of combat. All Offense Techniques, with few exceptions, require Standard Actions. You get two of these per post.
Extra Actions are quick actions that are easy to perform and usually the domain of Utility Techniques. The activation of a Transformation and the use of most items fall here as well. You get one of these per post.
Reactions are fast responses to the actions of your opponent, and therefore are usually the domain of Defense Techniques. You get one of these per post.
Instant Actions are things that take no time at all, or an insignificant amount. You get unlimited Instant Actions per post.
How to Fight
Above, and in other sections, Combat has been referred to with both Actions and posts. To clarify, the structure of a fight is as such: Fights are made up of posts in a thread, and each individual post (or "turn") is itself made up of Actions. Every participant in a fight posts in a set order, with the attacker(s) going first. A full set of posts from all participants is sometimes referred to as a "round" of combat.
Fights themselves can begin in a number of ways. You can use the Challenge Activity to find and attack a target of your choosing. You can start fights in threads by attacking participants. You can be attacked yourself, or attacked by an NPC in a thread you're writing. Whoever initiates gets to begin the fight, as above.
Note! Be certain to list your Current Power Level in each post as well as your League relative to the other characters present, if applicable.
Dice are a critical part of our combat system. Dice rolls must be edited into a post using the Throw Dice button after it is initially posted. This gives you an opportunity to review your post and choices. Dice rolls cannot be removed nor their results changed by editing the post. If you make a mistake with your dice and need to reroll, a member of Staff can help you. If you accidentally roll too few dice, you are able to throw additional die. If you roll too many, only use the first die appropriate for the number you should have rolled.
When rolling die, also leave notes about what it's for (to hit, damage, status effects, etc.) and modifiers, such as to your Attack Roll or Damage.
To attack in a thread and therefore begin battle, you first choose your techniques. In that same post, you first use the dice feature of our board to roll one d20 per attack. This is your natural Attack Roll. That value, plus your own Attack stat and any modifiers you possess, is your total Attack Roll. This value must exceed the Defense stat of your opponent, and if it does, it hits them, and they're subject to any effects or damage. If it doesn't, it misses entirely. If you are attacked, and the attack exceeds your Defense stat, your character is hit.
For this reason, when roleplaying the fight itself, it's important to write in such a way that your attacks hitting is not assumed. This will be up to your opponent to portray, if they're roleplaying the fight with you. It is also good to keep in mind that you do not not need to roleplay and can simply post your actions and rolls.
Note! This may be useful at times, as there is a strict 48-hour time limit on replying when there's an active fight. After this period of time, any participant in the fight can request to skip you, and your character will be Knocked Out. The victors of the fight can then decide your fate. Be sure to be timely with your replies!
Damage is the primary consequence of being hit by an attack. Damage is determined by rolling the associated die with the technique that hit. For example: the Physical Strikes technique uses 4d4 for damage. That is, four four-sided die. You roll these with each attack you make, but the opponent (or you) only takes the damage rolled if hit. The result of this roll, in addition to any modifiers, is referred to as your total Damage for that attack.
Critical Hits exist in our system, much as they do in Dungeons and Dragons. On Dragon World, a Critical Hit typically happens if your natural Attack Roll is a 20. If so, your attack hit regardless of the opponent's Defense and you roll an additional set of damage die for the technique.
Critical Misses can also happen. When you roll a 1 on your Attack Roll, your technique will miss regardless of the Defense of the opponent.
Fleeing from a battle is also possible, but you will be considered defeated. You use your Extra Action to begin fleeing. If no attacks hit you before your next post, you may successfully exit the fight and associated thread with that reply.
Ultimately, all of combat centers around the back and forth of attacking and being attacked. Defense Techniques, Utility Techniques, items, Transformations, and everything else in the game exists to manipulate the numeric values and rules surrounding this simple process.
Victory & Defeat
Now that you now how to fight, in the most basic sense, how do you win? How do you lose? What happens?
In your typical one-on-one fight, it ends when the opponent reaches 0 HP and is considered Knocked Out, therefore unable to continue fighting, or flees. When this happens, a few things occur.
In fights with more than two participants, the winning side is those with at least one character remaining that isn't Knocked Out or hasn't fled. Even if your character is Knocked Out, if their allies win the battle, they are considered among the victors.
If you lose a fight, any current Activity requiring time is interrupted except traveling. After the recovery period, the activity can begin again -- effectively extending the length of the Activity by a single Quarter. If you die, however, the time already spent is lost.
As you can see, there are strong incentives for killing your opponents in battle. However, the Dragon World makes death unlike what it is in other, fictional settings. Here, dying opens up entirely new worlds of possibilities. Not only are there ways to return from the dead, and not just through a wish on the Dragon Balls by still-living friends, but when you do, it is extremely likely that you will be far more powerful than before.
It is expected for player-characters to die many times during their journey in the Dragon World. Embrace and make the most of it.
When you do die, you have a quick choice to make.
Continue to the Afterlife and begin your adventures there. This is by far the most common choice. You will retain your body as well as any items and Zeni that were not taken from you, though you will have little use for Zeni or items the likes of Spaceships. You appear at the Check-In Station to have your soul judged. Your path in the Afterlife from there is determined by your Alignment. If your character is Good, they can be teleported to Heaven, or choose to travel freely to any other location except Hell, such as along Snakeway to reach one of the Four Kaio Worlds. If your character is Evil, they will be teleported to Hell. If your character is Neutral, they can choose their own fate at the cost of further traveling being difficult.
Alternatively, you can choose to Reincarnate. This is not the literal reincarnation of their soul, but it allows you to transfer your character's Power Level as-is to a new character entirely. However, nothing else about the character transfers over. This is recommended for players who want to replace their current character with a new one.
In addition, it is entirely possible to fight in the Afterlife. However, you cannot be killed even if you're Knocked Out. Blows that would otherwise be deadly simply are not, thanks to the magic of the dead.
The real risk, however, is if you have found a means by which to return to the living Universe while still dead. Should you choose to do this, as it can never be forced upon you, you will not be protected by the Afterlife. If you are knocked out, and then killed again, you will not return to the Afterlife. Instead, your character will end up in Maikai. This is the only way in which your character can permanently die, beyond the reach of even the most powerful of Eternal Dragons.
For more information on the Afterlife, read about it in Locations & Travel.
Stats & Skills
The very core of our combat system are a character's stats and skills. Understanding these is crucial to understanding how fighting works in our Dragon World, and to doing well in those fights.
Stats generally represent either something physical or more abstract about a character. Stats like Power Level, HP, and Ki are clear representations of a physical aspect of a character. Stats like Attack and Defense, however, are more abstract values made up of a number of different factors.
Skills are similar abstractions. They loosely represent a combination of natural talent, experience, training and discipline, and even a character's physique. Skills are ultimately what determines the bulk of your character's "build" in RPG terms, as they have a heavy impact on most stats.
Stat Breakdown
Stats are all numeric values, scaling based on a number of different factors.
Power Level
This can be thought of as an average of your physical power and speed. The higher your Power Level, the stronger you are, the faster, the tougher, the greater your Stamina, and more. Power Level is referred to in three, distinct ways.
- Base Power Level: This is your character's Power Level before the modifications of Transformations.
- Transformed Power Level: This is your character's Power Level with Transformations applied, including permanent forms. Transformations, unless explicitly stated otherwise, do not stack. If they do, they will specify if they stack multiplicatively or additively. If something stacks additively, an example is a Saiyan using Oozaru (x2) and Kaioken x4 together. Their Transformed PL is 6x Base PL, not 8x. If something stacks multiplicatively, you would get the 8x.
- Current Power Level: This is your Current Power Level during any given post in combat. Besides Transformations, other effects can change your Power Level further. This number is derived from your Transformed Power Level. For example: If your Transformed PL is 100,000 and something reduces your Current Power Level by 15%, then your Current Power Level is 85,000. If your Transformed PL is 100,000 and something increases your Current Power Level by 50%, then your Current Power Level is 150,000.
Current Power Level determines your "League" relative to your opponent in combat, and being in higher and higher Leagues provides ever-greater benefits. The below list shows the Power Level requirement relative to who you're fighting and is individual. If fighting multiple people, your League may be different against each.
League 0: You are effectively equal in power. No change.
League 1: 1.5x Power Level. +1 Attack, +2 Defense, +2 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +3 Damage (per attack)
League 2: 2x Power Level. +2 Attack, +4 Defense, +4 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +6 Damage (per attack)
League 3: 3x Power Level. +3 Attack, +6 Defense, +6 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +9 Damage (per attack)
League 4: 4x Power Level. +4 Attack, +8 Defense, +8 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +12 Damage (per attack)
League 5: 5x Power Level. +5 Attack, +10 Defense, +10 Damage Reduction (per attacker), +15 Damage (per attack)
This continues to scale following the same pattern. They are commonly abbreviated as L1, L2, L3, etc.
HP: Your total Health Points. Starts at 100. Like in most games, you lose the fight should this reach zero. Grows with your Constitution skill.
Ki: Your total Ki. Starts at 100. You are still able to fight even while this is at zero. Grows with your Ki Control skill.
Attack: The modifier added to your d20 Attack Roll to determine if a technique hits the target. It can thought of as a form of accuracy. Primarily grows with your Combat skill.
Defense: Begins at 5. This is the number that the total of an Attack Roll must exceed in order for an attack to hit you. Primarily grows with your Mobility skill.
In addition to these, there are other stats not specific to the character as a whole that you should be aware of.
Damage Reduction: Abbreviated as DR. This is the amount of damage reduced by attacks that hit you, per attacker, per post. It is important to understand that this does not reduce the damage of each attack that hits you, but instead the total damage from a single attacker.
Temporary HP: Also known as "Temp HP". These are additional sources of HP "on top" of your normal HP, often provided by Defensive Techniques. These cannot be stacked.
Skill Breakdown
To begin, it is important to note that Skills come in ranks. These ranks range from "None" or "0" and then scale based on letters, in the following order: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, and Z.
These skill ranks are purchased using Skill Points, with all ranks costing 1 Skill Point. All characters begin with 20 Skill Points and can gain additional Skill Points from certain Special Quests.
Additionally, certain skills (and in even rarer cases, stats) can become different skills entirely, usually by Special Quest. Each character may evolve up to two of their skills.
The effects of the various Skills as their rank increases are as follows:
Combat: Increase your Attack by 1 per every other rank. S and Z each add a full point. Examples: Attack is 1 at E, 2 at C, 3 at A, 4 at S, and 5 at Z.
Mobility: Increase your Defense by 1 point. Increase by 2 points each for S and Z.
Ki Control: Increase your Ki by 5. Increase by 10 each for S and Z.
Constitution: Increase your HP by 5. Increase by 10 each for S and Z.
Intelligence: Characters begin with 5 Technique Slots. Each rank adds one Technique Slot. Add two slots each for S and Z.
Techniques are the very foundation of the combat on Dragon World. Very nearly everything you do in combat will be a technique of some kind, if not a Transformation or an item.
Some techniques on Dragon World are premade, but in true Dragon Ball style, many are of your own making as well. Below, we'll break down the common fields that make up a premade technique before listing the various techniques of the main categories.
Name: The name of the technique.
Description: A sensory description of the technique.
Type: The classification of the technique, such as Utility, Defensive, and others.
Action: What kind of action it requires to perform.
Effect / Damage: The dice you roll to determine damage or the mechanical effect of the technique.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Fundamental Techniques
These are the most basic techniques of Dragon World. All characters begin with these and do not need to spend any of their Technique Slots on them, including their starting Technique Slots.
The Team type makes an appearance here, designating a technique that can only be used when fighting alongside allies.
Name: Physical Strikes
Description: Whether a single, heavy blow or a flurry of lighter ones, you attack your opponent with your physical body. This can be fists, kicks, or even a whip of your tail.
Type: Offense, Single
Action: Standard
Damage: 4d4
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Energy Blasts
Description: Whether thin beams, flying orbs, or overwhelming waves, you hurl blasts of Ki at your opponent.
Type: Offense, Single
Action: Standard
Damage: 4d6
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Power Up
Description: Your aura explodes around you as you draw out more Ki from your body.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Restores 25 Ki. This may put you over your maximum Ki. Over the course of a fight, repeated uses cannot restore more than your total Ki. For example, if your Ki is 100, you can use this technique four times to restore a total of 100 Ki, but cannot use it again during that fight.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Name: Charge Attack
Description: You pour extra Ki into your attacks for a time, even a physical one, to enhance the power and damage.
Type: The classification of the technique.
Action: Instant
Effect: Add 1 die of the appropriate type to all attacks that turn.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Rush
Description: Your aura bursts around you as you dash about to surprise your opponent with a sudden change in speed, and then attack from a superior position.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Add 2 to all of your attack rolls that turn.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Rapid Movement
Description: You surge Ki throughout your body to temporarily, but vastly, increase your speed.
Type: Utility
Action: Reaction
Effect: Increase your Defense by 5 for this turn.
Cost: 15 ki
Name: Guard
Description: You reinforce your body with Ki and brace for impact.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Gain 5 Temp HP for this turn only.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Distract
Description: Through a feint or some other method, you create a distraction to create an opening for an ally.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: Extra
Effect: You can give up one of your Standard Actions to give one of your allies an extra Standard Action during their next post.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Intercept
Description: You rush to the aid of your ally in order to protect them from an attack.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: Extra
Effect: You change the target of an attack to yourself. Like normal, it must overcome your Defense to hurt you.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Ki Transfer
Description: You pass on some of your own energy to an ally.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: Extra
Effect: You transfer 25 Ki from yourself to an ally.
Cost: 25 Ki
Description: Whether a single, heavy blow or a flurry of lighter ones, you attack your opponent with your physical body. This can be fists, kicks, or even a whip of your tail.
Type: Offense, Single
Action: Standard
Damage: 4d4
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Energy Blasts
Description: Whether thin beams, flying orbs, or overwhelming waves, you hurl blasts of Ki at your opponent.
Type: Offense, Single
Action: Standard
Damage: 4d6
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Power Up
Description: Your aura explodes around you as you draw out more Ki from your body.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Restores 25 Ki. This may put you over your maximum Ki. Over the course of a fight, repeated uses cannot restore more than your total Ki. For example, if your Ki is 100, you can use this technique four times to restore a total of 100 Ki, but cannot use it again during that fight.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Name: Charge Attack
Description: You pour extra Ki into your attacks for a time, even a physical one, to enhance the power and damage.
Type: The classification of the technique.
Action: Instant
Effect: Add 1 die of the appropriate type to all attacks that turn.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Rush
Description: Your aura bursts around you as you dash about to surprise your opponent with a sudden change in speed, and then attack from a superior position.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Add 2 to all of your attack rolls that turn.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Rapid Movement
Description: You surge Ki throughout your body to temporarily, but vastly, increase your speed.
Type: Utility
Action: Reaction
Effect: Increase your Defense by 5 for this turn.
Cost: 15 ki
Name: Guard
Description: You reinforce your body with Ki and brace for impact.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Gain 5 Temp HP for this turn only.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Distract
Description: Through a feint or some other method, you create a distraction to create an opening for an ally.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: Extra
Effect: You can give up one of your Standard Actions to give one of your allies an extra Standard Action during their next post.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Intercept
Description: You rush to the aid of your ally in order to protect them from an attack.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: Extra
Effect: You change the target of an attack to yourself. Like normal, it must overcome your Defense to hurt you.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Ki Transfer
Description: You pass on some of your own energy to an ally.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: Extra
Effect: You transfer 25 Ki from yourself to an ally.
Cost: 25 Ki
Defense Techniques
These techniques focus on preventing or minimizing damage in some way. These techniques often use the Reaction and need to be learned.
Name: Ki Shield
Description: You summon a solid or immaterial impediment of Ki to minimize or eliminate damage.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: You gain 15 Temp HP for this turn only.
Cost: 30 Ki
Name: Aura Barrier
Description: You tighten your aura against your very skin, often turning it into a bright, white glow, in order to protect your body.
Type: Defense
Action: Extra
Effect: Requires Ki Shield. You now possess 15 Temp HP that lasts until depleted. You are immune to any effects that inflict a Status.
Cost: 45 Ki
Name: Ki Barrier
Description: You summon a solid barrier of Ki around yourself as a spherical shield.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Requires Ki Shield. You gain 30 Temp HP for this turn only.
Cost: 60 Ki
Name: Kiai
Description: A shockwave generated by Ki, either with a gesture or a scream, blunts incoming damage.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, ignores the benefits of all Critical Hits that turn.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Wild Sense
Description: With extreme focus, and some luck, you rapidly sway out of the way of inaccurate incoming attacks.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, all attacks with a total Attack Roll of 15 or less will miss during this turn.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Deflect
Description: In a show of perfect timing and coordination, you individually deflect weaker incoming attacks away from you.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, all attacks that individually deal 20 total Damage or less will miss.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Beam Struggle
Description: You counter an incoming attack with one of your own.
Type: Defense
Action: Instant
Effect: Spend one of your Standard Actions to launch an attack at another. If its total possible Damage, including modifiers, exceeds the incoming attack's total possible Damage, your attack continues on to the target. If they're tied, the attacks are both nullified.
Cost: 0 Ki
Description: You summon a solid or immaterial impediment of Ki to minimize or eliminate damage.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: You gain 15 Temp HP for this turn only.
Cost: 30 Ki
Name: Aura Barrier
Description: You tighten your aura against your very skin, often turning it into a bright, white glow, in order to protect your body.
Type: Defense
Action: Extra
Effect: Requires Ki Shield. You now possess 15 Temp HP that lasts until depleted. You are immune to any effects that inflict a Status.
Cost: 45 Ki
Name: Ki Barrier
Description: You summon a solid barrier of Ki around yourself as a spherical shield.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Requires Ki Shield. You gain 30 Temp HP for this turn only.
Cost: 60 Ki
Name: Kiai
Description: A shockwave generated by Ki, either with a gesture or a scream, blunts incoming damage.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, ignores the benefits of all Critical Hits that turn.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Wild Sense
Description: With extreme focus, and some luck, you rapidly sway out of the way of inaccurate incoming attacks.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, all attacks with a total Attack Roll of 15 or less will miss during this turn.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Deflect
Description: In a show of perfect timing and coordination, you individually deflect weaker incoming attacks away from you.
Type: Defense
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, all attacks that individually deal 20 total Damage or less will miss.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Beam Struggle
Description: You counter an incoming attack with one of your own.
Type: Defense
Action: Instant
Effect: Spend one of your Standard Actions to launch an attack at another. If its total possible Damage, including modifiers, exceeds the incoming attack's total possible Damage, your attack continues on to the target. If they're tied, the attacks are both nullified.
Cost: 0 Ki
Utility Techniques
These techniques provide some other, miscellaneous effect distinct from Defense Techniques. They often use the Extra Action and need to be learned.
The Mystic type makes an appearance here, designating a technique that can only be used and learned by certain races, such as Namekians.
Name: Flight
Description: Also known as Bukujutsu or Lighter Than Air Art, this technique is the ability to push your Ki beneath you and then propel yourself through the skies.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: Allows new kinds of travel, or reduced times. Your Defense increases by 1. You never need to "use" this technique in battle, the effects are considered permanent once learned.
Cost: Negligible
Name: Ki Sense
Description: You have developed a sixth sense that allows you to detect and measure Power Levels even at cosmic distances.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: You have access to the Character Locations by Power Level board.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Ki Suppression
Description: You are able to raise and lower your functional Power Level through simple will. This can disguise your true power or hide it entirely.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Must already know Ki Sense. Able to hide your Power Level from the Character Locations by Power Level board. In combat, you can raise or lower your Power Level once per post.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Name: Extreme Focus
Description: You enter a state of deep and intense focus, making your attacks that much more precise.
Type: Utility
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, add 2 to all of your Attack Rolls for this turn as well as the following two.
Cost: 45 Ki
Name: Ki Burst
Description: You release your Ki and allow it to run wild for a time, increasing the power of all your attacks.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: Add 2 die of the appropriate type to all attacks for this turn as well as the following two.
Cost: 45 Ki
Name: Heal
Description: You are able to use your Ki on another in order to restore their bodies.
Type: Utility, Team, Mystic
Action: Extra
Effect: You spend 25 Ki to restore 25 HP to a single ally.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Dragon Rush
Description: With far more power and precision than before, your aura flares to life as you rapidly reposition yourself, disorienting your opponent and gaining the best angle on them you can.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Add 4 to all of your Attack Rolls that turn.
Cost: 20 Ki
Name: Afterimage
Description: Also known as the Zanzoken. By surging Ki through your body, you move so quickly that you leave behind one or more images of yourself as you move.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: Increase your Defense by 10 for this turn.
Cost: 30 Ki
Name: Multi-Arms
Description: You either attack so quickly, or use the Four-Witches Technique to sprout physical or energy arms, that it appears you're attacking with extra limbs.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: You can use one Physical Strikes technique as an Instant action this post. This technique cannot be used multiple times for additional Physical Strikes.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Multi-Form
Description: Using your Ki you're able to manifest multiple versions of yourself to fight simultaneously!
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: You spread your remaining Ki and HP between yourself and 1, 2, or 3 total copies. Your Power Level is split as well. Each new fighter receives their own set of Actions. There is no original, and the "real" you becomes whoever is the last one remaining. You can end the technique for an Instant Action, merging remaining Ki and HP between all copies as well as Power Level
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Ki Weapon
Description: Through great effort, you forge your Ki so densely that it becomes a physical, usable weapon.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: You form a physical weapon out of Ki, allowing the use of Techniques with the Slashing or Bashing effects.
Cost: 5 Ki per Turn
Name: Telekinesis
Description: Through your magical powers, you're able to move objects with nothing but your mind, such as moving them great distances or preventing them from moving entirely.
Type: Utility, Mystic
Action: Extra
Effect: Prevent your opponent from using items, or at least getting their benefits, in that post.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Solar Flare
Description: Any and all sources of light are magnified so powerfully as to temporarily blind those who see it.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: 80% to inflict the Stunned Status Effect to all opponents.
Cost: 15 Ki
Name: Telepathy
Description: Allows you to communicate simply thought thoughts to someone else, as long as you can sense their Power Level. It even allows for improved coordination in battle.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: N/A
Effect: Allies gain +1 to their Attack Rolls. Does not stack with other users of Telepathy.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Awaken Potential
Description: You are able to pull out the dormant power of other living beings, considerably enhancing their strength.
Type: Utility, Mystic
Action: 2 Standard Actions
Effect: Increase another character's Base Power Level by 50%. Can be used in or out of battle. A character can only be affected by this technique once.
Cost: 50 Ki
Name: Magic Materialization
Description: You can use your energy, or some source of magical spells, to materialize common items and materials out of thin air.
Type: Utility, Mystic
Action: N/A
Effect: Pick one item in your possession, you no longer have to pay to repair or recharge it.
Cost: 0 Ki
Description: Also known as Bukujutsu or Lighter Than Air Art, this technique is the ability to push your Ki beneath you and then propel yourself through the skies.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: Allows new kinds of travel, or reduced times. Your Defense increases by 1. You never need to "use" this technique in battle, the effects are considered permanent once learned.
Cost: Negligible
Name: Ki Sense
Description: You have developed a sixth sense that allows you to detect and measure Power Levels even at cosmic distances.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: You have access to the Character Locations by Power Level board.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Ki Suppression
Description: You are able to raise and lower your functional Power Level through simple will. This can disguise your true power or hide it entirely.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Must already know Ki Sense. Able to hide your Power Level from the Character Locations by Power Level board. In combat, you can raise or lower your Power Level once per post.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Name: Extreme Focus
Description: You enter a state of deep and intense focus, making your attacks that much more precise.
Type: Utility
Action: Reaction
Effect: Once per battle, add 2 to all of your Attack Rolls for this turn as well as the following two.
Cost: 45 Ki
Name: Ki Burst
Description: You release your Ki and allow it to run wild for a time, increasing the power of all your attacks.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: Add 2 die of the appropriate type to all attacks for this turn as well as the following two.
Cost: 45 Ki
Name: Heal
Description: You are able to use your Ki on another in order to restore their bodies.
Type: Utility, Team, Mystic
Action: Extra
Effect: You spend 25 Ki to restore 25 HP to a single ally.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Dragon Rush
Description: With far more power and precision than before, your aura flares to life as you rapidly reposition yourself, disorienting your opponent and gaining the best angle on them you can.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Add 4 to all of your Attack Rolls that turn.
Cost: 20 Ki
Name: Afterimage
Description: Also known as the Zanzoken. By surging Ki through your body, you move so quickly that you leave behind one or more images of yourself as you move.
Type: Utility
Action: N/A
Effect: Increase your Defense by 10 for this turn.
Cost: 30 Ki
Name: Multi-Arms
Description: You either attack so quickly, or use the Four-Witches Technique to sprout physical or energy arms, that it appears you're attacking with extra limbs.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: You can use one Physical Strikes technique as an Instant action this post. This technique cannot be used multiple times for additional Physical Strikes.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Multi-Form
Description: Using your Ki you're able to manifest multiple versions of yourself to fight simultaneously!
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: You spread your remaining Ki and HP between yourself and 1, 2, or 3 total copies. Your Power Level is split as well. Each new fighter receives their own set of Actions. There is no original, and the "real" you becomes whoever is the last one remaining. You can end the technique for an Instant Action, merging remaining Ki and HP between all copies as well as Power Level
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Ki Weapon
Description: Through great effort, you forge your Ki so densely that it becomes a physical, usable weapon.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: You form a physical weapon out of Ki, allowing the use of Techniques with the Slashing or Bashing effects.
Cost: 5 Ki per Turn
Name: Telekinesis
Description: Through your magical powers, you're able to move objects with nothing but your mind, such as moving them great distances or preventing them from moving entirely.
Type: Utility, Mystic
Action: Extra
Effect: Prevent your opponent from using items, or at least getting their benefits, in that post.
Cost: 10 Ki
Name: Solar Flare
Description: Any and all sources of light are magnified so powerfully as to temporarily blind those who see it.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: 80% to inflict the Stunned Status Effect to all opponents.
Cost: 15 Ki
Name: Telepathy
Description: Allows you to communicate simply thought thoughts to someone else, as long as you can sense their Power Level. It even allows for improved coordination in battle.
Type: Utility, Team
Action: N/A
Effect: Allies gain +1 to their Attack Rolls. Does not stack with other users of Telepathy.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Awaken Potential
Description: You are able to pull out the dormant power of other living beings, considerably enhancing their strength.
Type: Utility, Mystic
Action: 2 Standard Actions
Effect: Increase another character's Base Power Level by 50%. Can be used in or out of battle. A character can only be affected by this technique once.
Cost: 50 Ki
Name: Magic Materialization
Description: You can use your energy, or some source of magical spells, to materialize common items and materials out of thin air.
Type: Utility, Mystic
Action: N/A
Effect: Pick one item in your possession, you no longer have to pay to repair or recharge it.
Cost: 0 Ki
Signature & Finisher Techniques
While we have provided lists of certain techniques to cover the basics, or create unique mechanics for Dragon World, you'll notice that there are only two offensive techniques listed. Here in Dragon World, to keep with the spirit of Dragon Ball, you the player will create your own offensive techniques using the steps and options below. Most of these will be Signatures, but some can also be powerful Finisher Techniques.
- Choose a name and description.
- Choose a core type, Signature or Finisher.
- Signature: Costs 15 Ki and deals 3d8 Damage.
- Finisher: Costs 20 Ki and deals 3d12 Damage. Can only use two Finisher-type Techniques per battle unless explicitly stated otherwise.
- Choose if it's single-target, multi-target, or an area of effect.
- Single: Targets a single opponent.
- Multi: Targets a varying number of opponents and spreads the damage between each of them. Bonuses to Damage, such as from other Techniques or your League, are calculated for each opponent.
- Area: Doubles Ki Cost and targets everyone in the fight, including allies.
- Choose Main and Status effects from the below list, if desired.
- Post it as a reply to your private Character Sheet for validation. Once confirmed there are no mistakes, add it to your other Signature and Finisher Techniques within your sheet, in spoilers. Use the template below.
Main Effects
- None: No effect, but adds 2 die to damage.
- Bashing: Requires a Weapon. The target of this attack loses 5 Ki and 5% of their Current Power Level. Power Level loss can stack up to four times and lasts until the end of the fight.
- Slashing: Requires a Weapon. Critical Hits happen from a natural Attack Roll of 29 or 30.
- Draining: The target loses 15 Ki from this technique on-hit.
- Piercing: The technique bypasses Temp HP for the purposes of damage.
- Homing: If the attack misses, for five Ki less than the original cost and an Instant Action, it can be redirected back at the original or a new target.
- Overwhelming: Technique now costs 40 HP on a Signature-type Technique, or 60 HP on a Finisher-type Technique, in addition to Ki. Add 4 die to damage.
- Sacrificing: Technique costs no Ki. Add all remaining HP and Ki, after all other techniques and actions in that post, to total Damage. The user dies after using this technique.
Roll a d10 for these. The roll must be in the top number of sides corresponding with the percentage chance to inflict. For example: A roll of 7, 8, 9, or 10 successfully inflicts on a 40% chance effect, as those are the four largest face values out ten.
- None: No effect, but adds 1 die to damage.
- Crippling: 40% Chance to inflict the Crippled Status on a limb of your choice, on-hit.
- Severing: 40% Chance to inflict the Severed Status on a limb of your choice, on-hit.
- Bleeding: 40% Chance to inflict the Bleed Status, on-hit.
- Binding: 40% Chance to inflict the Bound Status for that turn, on-hit.
- Stunning: 40% Chance to inflict the Stunned Status for that turn, on-hit.
[B]Name:[/B] The name of your technique!
[B]Description:[/B] A sensory description of your technique. Be as detailed as you'd like!
[B]Type:[/B] Offense, Signature/Finisher, Single/Multi/Area
[B]Action:[/B] Standard
[B]Damage:[/B] The die you roll for damage.
[B]Effects:[/b] List effects, if any. Remove this section if there are none.
[B]Cost:[/B] The cost of your technique in HP and/or Ki.
Special Techniques
These techniques are unique in that they can only be acquired through unusual means, typically a Special Quest. These are often some of the most powerful techniques, providing access to unique combat mechanics and abilities.
Name: Spirit Bomb
Description: An orb of destructive energy formed by drawing power from all lifeforms. The Spirit Bomb can reach across a planet, the entire universe, and even between dimensions to draw on the Ki it needs.
Type: Offense, Single
Action: What kind of action it requires to perform.
Effect: Deals 10 Damage, and gains +1 to the total Attack Roll, per Standard Action spent charging the Spirit Bomb. Deals 1 additional Damage per 2 points of Ki contributed by the user or their allies, if any, for an Instant Action. Attacking with your completed Spirit Bomb is an Instant Action. One use per battle.
Cost: Optional
Name: Instant Transmission
Description: With great concentration, the user can not only sense Power Levels, but instantly relocate themselves to those Power Levels. The allows the user to traverse not just cosmic distances, but even the barriers between dimensions.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Requires Ki Sense and Spirit Control. Can teleport to any Power Level able to be sensed. Once per battle, can be used to add +10 to an Attack Roll or to Defense, or to automatically flee battle if there is a valid Power Level elsewhere to be teleported to. Cannot bring any allies when fleeing. At the cost of an additional Technique Slot each, this technique can be further enhanced and then mastered.
Enhanced: Can be used to teleport to other locations entirely, traveling instantly between them, twice per Quarter (one roundtrip). Can bring one other character.
Mastered: Able to teleport between the Afterlife and living Universe. Can bring any number of other characters.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Kai Kai
Description: A powerful transportation technique that allows the use to teleport themselves and others to any location they wish. They vanish with a high-pitched sound and in rays of bright, vertical light.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Can be used to automatically flee battle but cannot bring any allies. At the cost of an additional Technique Slot each, this technique can be further enhanced and then mastered.
Enhanced: Can be used to teleport to other locations entirely, traveling instantly between them, twice per Quarter (one roundtrip). Can bring one other character.
Mastered: Able to teleport between the Afterlife and living Universe. Can bring any number of other characters.
Cost: 50 Ki to flee combat
Name: Regeneration
Description: Also known as Saisei. This technique is the unique ability of the Namekians to regenerate, in a flash, large portions of their own body, including tissue, complex organ, and bone.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Restores 25 HP. Each use removes one instance of the Crippled or Severed status effect. Crippled and Severed are restored after battle. Cannot restore more than a character's total HP over the course of a battle.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Energy Absorption
Description: Through some mechanical means, the Android or Cyborg is able to absorb the Ki of incoming techniques.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Can absorb the Ki spent on any technique that misses the user and add it to their own. Can use this to temporarily go beyond their maximum Ki.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Name: Fusion Dance
Description: A three-stage dance performed by two or more participants. At its completion, a flash of light envelopes the fighters before they're instantly merged into a single, unified being.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Both participants must use this technique in their posts. The fused being begins fighting with the next round of combat. Their Base Power Level is the sum of the Base PLs of both fighters, multiplied by 2x. The have access to all items, Race and Class Traits, and Transformations of both fighters. Their Skills are the highest of each fighter's. Their current HP and Ki is equal to whichever fighter has the most remaining at the time of fusion. The fusion lasts for 5 posts and, when it ends, each individual fighter has the same HP and Ki as the fused being, up to their own maximums. One use per battle.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Potara Fusion
Description: By wearing one earring of a matching Potara pair in different ears, two people can be fused into a single being in a flash of white light.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Same as the Fusion Dance, except: Base Power Level is 3x the sum instead of 4x. The fusion lasts until the end of the battle. After the battle, the Potara Earrings used to perform this technique are destroyed.
Cost: 0 Ki
Description: An orb of destructive energy formed by drawing power from all lifeforms. The Spirit Bomb can reach across a planet, the entire universe, and even between dimensions to draw on the Ki it needs.
Type: Offense, Single
Action: What kind of action it requires to perform.
Effect: Deals 10 Damage, and gains +1 to the total Attack Roll, per Standard Action spent charging the Spirit Bomb. Deals 1 additional Damage per 2 points of Ki contributed by the user or their allies, if any, for an Instant Action. Attacking with your completed Spirit Bomb is an Instant Action. One use per battle.
Cost: Optional
Name: Instant Transmission
Description: With great concentration, the user can not only sense Power Levels, but instantly relocate themselves to those Power Levels. The allows the user to traverse not just cosmic distances, but even the barriers between dimensions.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Requires Ki Sense and Spirit Control. Can teleport to any Power Level able to be sensed. Once per battle, can be used to add +10 to an Attack Roll or to Defense, or to automatically flee battle if there is a valid Power Level elsewhere to be teleported to. Cannot bring any allies when fleeing. At the cost of an additional Technique Slot each, this technique can be further enhanced and then mastered.
Enhanced: Can be used to teleport to other locations entirely, traveling instantly between them, twice per Quarter (one roundtrip). Can bring one other character.
Mastered: Able to teleport between the Afterlife and living Universe. Can bring any number of other characters.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Kai Kai
Description: A powerful transportation technique that allows the use to teleport themselves and others to any location they wish. They vanish with a high-pitched sound and in rays of bright, vertical light.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Can be used to automatically flee battle but cannot bring any allies. At the cost of an additional Technique Slot each, this technique can be further enhanced and then mastered.
Enhanced: Can be used to teleport to other locations entirely, traveling instantly between them, twice per Quarter (one roundtrip). Can bring one other character.
Mastered: Able to teleport between the Afterlife and living Universe. Can bring any number of other characters.
Cost: 50 Ki to flee combat
Name: Regeneration
Description: Also known as Saisei. This technique is the unique ability of the Namekians to regenerate, in a flash, large portions of their own body, including tissue, complex organ, and bone.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Restores 25 HP. Each use removes one instance of the Crippled or Severed status effect. Crippled and Severed are restored after battle. Cannot restore more than a character's total HP over the course of a battle.
Cost: 25 Ki
Name: Energy Absorption
Description: Through some mechanical means, the Android or Cyborg is able to absorb the Ki of incoming techniques.
Type: Utility
Action: Instant
Effect: Can absorb the Ki spent on any technique that misses the user and add it to their own. Can use this to temporarily go beyond their maximum Ki.
Cost: The cost of the technique in Ki.
Name: Fusion Dance
Description: A three-stage dance performed by two or more participants. At its completion, a flash of light envelopes the fighters before they're instantly merged into a single, unified being.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Both participants must use this technique in their posts. The fused being begins fighting with the next round of combat. Their Base Power Level is the sum of the Base PLs of both fighters, multiplied by 2x. The have access to all items, Race and Class Traits, and Transformations of both fighters. Their Skills are the highest of each fighter's. Their current HP and Ki is equal to whichever fighter has the most remaining at the time of fusion. The fusion lasts for 5 posts and, when it ends, each individual fighter has the same HP and Ki as the fused being, up to their own maximums. One use per battle.
Cost: 0 Ki
Name: Potara Fusion
Description: By wearing one earring of a matching Potara pair in different ears, two people can be fused into a single being in a flash of white light.
Type: Utility
Action: Extra
Effect: Same as the Fusion Dance, except: Base Power Level is 3x the sum instead of 4x. The fusion lasts until the end of the battle. After the battle, the Potara Earrings used to perform this technique are destroyed.
Cost: 0 Ki
Status Effects
Dragon World has in it a number of effects for techniques that can inflict a Status upon a character. These Statuses and how they work are listed here.
Note! Statuses can be inflicted in many ways in-character, so be creative! Bleed could simply be a heavily bleeding wound, or it could be an active burn, encroaching ice, or poison. Similarly, Bound could be threads of Ki, poison, or even just a physical hold.
Crippled: A limb is broken or otherwise rendered near-impossible to use. Requires two Quarters after the fight to properly heal. Can only be applied to two limbs at a time.
Severed: A limb is removed entirely. Lowers Current Power Level by 15%. Does not heal on its own. Can only be applied to two limbs at a time.
Bleed: -10 HP per post for three posts. Does not stack with itself, but another successful application resets the timer.
Bound: The target loses their Extra and Reaction the post after they get hit. Does not stack with itself.
Stunned: The target loses one Standard Action and cannot attack fleeing characters during the post after they get hit. Does not stack with itself.
Combat System
In short, the system of combat here at Dragon World is very similar to most editions of Dungeons and Dragons. In that sense, it is based on a system of Actions wherein your character does certain things. Here, that is usually the use of a technique of some variety, but may also include Transformations and items.
There are four kinds of actions.
Standard Actions are the bread and butter of combat. All Offense Techniques, with few exceptions, require Standard Actions. You get two of these per post.
Extra Actions are quick actions that are easy to perform and usually the domain of Utility Techniques. The activation of a Transformation and the use of most items fall here as well. You get one of these per post.
Reactions are fast responses to the actions of your opponent, and therefore are usually the domain of Defense Techniques. You get one of these per post.
Instant Actions are things that take no time at all, or an insignificant amount. You get unlimited Instant Actions per post.
How to Fight
Above, and in other sections, Combat has been referred to with both Actions and posts. To clarify, the structure of a fight is as such: Fights are made up of posts in a thread, and each individual post (or "turn") is itself made up of Actions. Every participant in a fight posts in a set order, with the attacker(s) going first. A full set of posts from all participants is sometimes referred to as a "round" of combat.
Fights themselves can begin in a number of ways. You can use the Challenge Activity to find and attack a target of your choosing. You can start fights in threads by attacking participants. You can be attacked yourself, or attacked by an NPC in a thread you're writing. Whoever initiates gets to begin the fight, as above.
Note! Be certain to list your Current Power Level in each post as well as your League relative to the other characters present, if applicable.
Dice are a critical part of our combat system. Dice rolls must be edited into a post using the Throw Dice button after it is initially posted. This gives you an opportunity to review your post and choices. Dice rolls cannot be removed nor their results changed by editing the post. If you make a mistake with your dice and need to reroll, a member of Staff can help you. If you accidentally roll too few dice, you are able to throw additional die. If you roll too many, only use the first die appropriate for the number you should have rolled.
When rolling die, also leave notes about what it's for (to hit, damage, status effects, etc.) and modifiers, such as to your Attack Roll or Damage.
To attack in a thread and therefore begin battle, you first choose your techniques. In that same post, you first use the dice feature of our board to roll one d20 per attack. This is your natural Attack Roll. That value, plus your own Attack stat and any modifiers you possess, is your total Attack Roll. This value must exceed the Defense stat of your opponent, and if it does, it hits them, and they're subject to any effects or damage. If it doesn't, it misses entirely. If you are attacked, and the attack exceeds your Defense stat, your character is hit.
For this reason, when roleplaying the fight itself, it's important to write in such a way that your attacks hitting is not assumed. This will be up to your opponent to portray, if they're roleplaying the fight with you. It is also good to keep in mind that you do not not need to roleplay and can simply post your actions and rolls.
Note! This may be useful at times, as there is a strict 48-hour time limit on replying when there's an active fight. After this period of time, any participant in the fight can request to skip you, and your character will be Knocked Out. The victors of the fight can then decide your fate. Be sure to be timely with your replies!
Damage is the primary consequence of being hit by an attack. Damage is determined by rolling the associated die with the technique that hit. For example: the Physical Strikes technique uses 4d4 for damage. That is, four four-sided die. You roll these with each attack you make, but the opponent (or you) only takes the damage rolled if hit. The result of this roll, in addition to any modifiers, is referred to as your total Damage for that attack.
Critical Hits exist in our system, much as they do in Dungeons and Dragons. On Dragon World, a Critical Hit typically happens if your natural Attack Roll is a 20. If so, your attack hit regardless of the opponent's Defense and you roll an additional set of damage die for the technique.
Critical Misses can also happen. When you roll a 1 on your Attack Roll, your technique will miss regardless of the Defense of the opponent.
Fleeing from a battle is also possible, but you will be considered defeated. You use your Extra Action to begin fleeing. If no attacks hit you before your next post, you may successfully exit the fight and associated thread with that reply.
Ultimately, all of combat centers around the back and forth of attacking and being attacked. Defense Techniques, Utility Techniques, items, Transformations, and everything else in the game exists to manipulate the numeric values and rules surrounding this simple process.
Victory & Defeat
Now that you now how to fight, in the most basic sense, how do you win? How do you lose? What happens?
In your typical one-on-one fight, it ends when the opponent reaches 0 HP and is considered Knocked Out, therefore unable to continue fighting, or flees. When this happens, a few things occur.
- The victor(s) gains 5% of the strongest opponent's Power Level.
- The victor(s) may choose to kill any of the Knocked Out losers.
- If allthe losers are killed or fled:
- The victor(s) gains 15% of the strongest opponent's Power Level.
- The loser(s) gains 5% of the strongest opponent's Power Level.
- The victor(s) may take oneitem and half the Zeni from each of their Knocked Out opponents. They must then distribute this amongst themselves.
- Note! Any one character cannot lose more than one item when they're Knocked Out.
- The loser(s), if they survive, spend one Quarter recovering from the battle and may not start any other fights via Challenge. They may also not be attacked via Challenge for two Quarters after the fight.
In fights with more than two participants, the winning side is those with at least one character remaining that isn't Knocked Out or hasn't fled. Even if your character is Knocked Out, if their allies win the battle, they are considered among the victors.
If you lose a fight, any current Activity requiring time is interrupted except traveling. After the recovery period, the activity can begin again -- effectively extending the length of the Activity by a single Quarter. If you die, however, the time already spent is lost.
As you can see, there are strong incentives for killing your opponents in battle. However, the Dragon World makes death unlike what it is in other, fictional settings. Here, dying opens up entirely new worlds of possibilities. Not only are there ways to return from the dead, and not just through a wish on the Dragon Balls by still-living friends, but when you do, it is extremely likely that you will be far more powerful than before.
It is expected for player-characters to die many times during their journey in the Dragon World. Embrace and make the most of it.
When you do die, you have a quick choice to make.
Continue to the Afterlife and begin your adventures there. This is by far the most common choice. You will retain your body as well as any items and Zeni that were not taken from you, though you will have little use for Zeni or items the likes of Spaceships. You appear at the Check-In Station to have your soul judged. Your path in the Afterlife from there is determined by your Alignment. If your character is Good, they can be teleported to Heaven, or choose to travel freely to any other location except Hell, such as along Snakeway to reach one of the Four Kaio Worlds. If your character is Evil, they will be teleported to Hell. If your character is Neutral, they can choose their own fate at the cost of further traveling being difficult.
Alternatively, you can choose to Reincarnate. This is not the literal reincarnation of their soul, but it allows you to transfer your character's Power Level as-is to a new character entirely. However, nothing else about the character transfers over. This is recommended for players who want to replace their current character with a new one.
In addition, it is entirely possible to fight in the Afterlife. However, you cannot be killed even if you're Knocked Out. Blows that would otherwise be deadly simply are not, thanks to the magic of the dead.
The real risk, however, is if you have found a means by which to return to the living Universe while still dead. Should you choose to do this, as it can never be forced upon you, you will not be protected by the Afterlife. If you are knocked out, and then killed again, you will not return to the Afterlife. Instead, your character will end up in Maikai. This is the only way in which your character can permanently die, beyond the reach of even the most powerful of Eternal Dragons.
For more information on the Afterlife, read about it in Locations & Travel.
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