Locations & Travel
The Universe & Afterlife
The Dragon World is split up between many different locations, many within the living universe while others are in the separate dimension of the afterlife, sometimes referred to as Other World. Traveling between those locations has requirements, takes time, and sometimes has other restrictions or consequences associated.
Traveling on a planet is simple: planets are treated, for simplicity's sake, as a single location. Flight is required, however, for certain Activities.
Traveling between locations within the universe, such as planets or the Interstellar Market, is more complicated: It requires either a spaceship or a powerful teleportation technique. The length of time required will then vary between six Quarters to instant with teleportation. While traveling, you cannot do other activities that require time or spend EXP.
Traveling within the Afterlife is similarly simple. Flight is required for almost all travel within the Afterlife, unless otherwise noted, and it requires two Quarters per journey. It is important to note that there are consequences for being Good or Evil in certain locations, with the details of such listed with the appropriate location below. Characters of a Neutral Alignment, however, face a different restriction: if they visit more than three different locations (except the Check-In Station) within the Afterlife following death, they will face a two Quarter cooldown wherein they can do no Activities as their soul is scrubbed of stains left by their adventures -- but they still accumulate EXP.
Note! Travel is the only thing one can do in the Afterlife while they're still alive. No other Activities, or even Quests (except Free Quests) can be done unless something explicitly states otherwise.
The Universe
The Afterlife
Planet Destruction
The Dragon World could never be complete without one of the most iconic ideas of Dragon Ball: the total, physical destruction of an entire planet.
Theoretically, the destruction of a planet can happen in any thread. In order for it to be possible, a character must be present whose Transformed Power Level is at least 10,000,000. If this is the case, they are capable of choosing to destroy the planet in a thread they're actively participating in, whether a fight or for some other purpose. When this happens, characters (currently on or off the planet) will have two Quarters to join the thread freely and stop the character. If they cannot be stopped, or no one comes, the planet will be destroyed and will kill everyone else still on it who cannot survive such an event.
Locations within the Afterlife can be destroyed as well, often with deep ramifications upon the entire universe, and it's possible that a player-character attempting as much will see more resistance than merely other player-characters.
The Universe & Afterlife
The Dragon World is split up between many different locations, many within the living universe while others are in the separate dimension of the afterlife, sometimes referred to as Other World. Traveling between those locations has requirements, takes time, and sometimes has other restrictions or consequences associated.
Traveling on a planet is simple: planets are treated, for simplicity's sake, as a single location. Flight is required, however, for certain Activities.
Traveling between locations within the universe, such as planets or the Interstellar Market, is more complicated: It requires either a spaceship or a powerful teleportation technique. The length of time required will then vary between six Quarters to instant with teleportation. While traveling, you cannot do other activities that require time or spend EXP.
Traveling within the Afterlife is similarly simple. Flight is required for almost all travel within the Afterlife, unless otherwise noted, and it requires two Quarters per journey. It is important to note that there are consequences for being Good or Evil in certain locations, with the details of such listed with the appropriate location below. Characters of a Neutral Alignment, however, face a different restriction: if they visit more than three different locations (except the Check-In Station) within the Afterlife following death, they will face a two Quarter cooldown wherein they can do no Activities as their soul is scrubbed of stains left by their adventures -- but they still accumulate EXP.
Note! Travel is the only thing one can do in the Afterlife while they're still alive. No other Activities, or even Quests (except Free Quests) can be done unless something explicitly states otherwise.
The Universe
Description: Homeworld of the Humans, the planet Earth is a pangaea world. It possess climates ranging from an arctic subcontinent to the north to tropical islands in the south, with major Human cities dotted across the world. It is considered largely average by the rest of the universe, an uninteresting world in an uninteresting part of space.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Homeworld of the Namekians, the planet possesses moss-like blue grass and green oceans, and green skies. Vegetation is sparse, mostly made up of thin trees with bushy tops. Animal life is even more sparse, with a few aquatic species joining the predominant Namekian population. Very few know of this world or its people.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Conquered by the Saiyans, planet Vegeta is a common continental world with red skies. A large portion of the planet, now known as the Saiba Wastes, was reduced to a rocky zone void of life during the conquest of the world from its original inhabitants, the advanced Tuffles.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Cold #01
Description: A world of frozen continents and deeply cold oceans, the planet is largely considered uninhabitable by most other races of the galaxy. Yet, the Changelings conquered it and thrived. It has since become a major hub in the universe, as the heart of Changeling society.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: A world known for its region of tall, mountainous spires and being the homeworld of the enigmatic Yardrat. Most of the world is wrapped in thick cloud cover at any given time, and it is known to be a continental world dotted with numerous Yardratian cities and dense forests.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Often considered one of the finest natural gems of the universe, Konats is the homeworld of the Konatsian people. The planet is known for the beauty of its great meadows, tended to carefully by the deeply spiritual schools of swordsmen renowned among the population.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: A world of marginal habitability, one that most races struggle to be comfortable upon with its strangely high gravity, minimally breatheable atmosphere, and corrosive toxins throughout the rocky surface. Even the world's oceans, considered meager by most standards, are almost entirely lifeless. It is instead covered in sprawling cities, with little but wasteland between, populated heavily by artificial lifeforms such as Androids that have been cast out by their creators.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Inhabited by the clairvoyant Kanassans, the planet Kanassa is another known for its great beauty. In particular, the ancient architecture of the people draws many visitors, as well as the usually still lakes that closely resemble proper mirrors.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: A rocky world with an immense 100Gs of gravity at the surface. The surface is covered by snake-like stretches of land, all of them completely interconnected, surrounding deep seas. Much of those stretches of land are red and dusty, with life and vegetation often only found at the shores. It's people, the long-headed Zoonians, are renowned for their resistance to extreme gravity.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Interstellar Market
Description: The particularly large moon of a gas giant that, due to its convenient location and the presence of ample resources for spaceship fuel, has become the commercial hub of the universe. It is now almost entirely urbanized and functions as, largely, a single, giant marketplace. Populated heavily by Changelings, the wheeling and dealing of the Interstellar Market extends far beyond the official laws and regulations that govern commerce within.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Homeworld of the Humans, the planet Earth is a pangaea world. It possess climates ranging from an arctic subcontinent to the north to tropical islands in the south, with major Human cities dotted across the world. It is considered largely average by the rest of the universe, an uninteresting world in an uninteresting part of space.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Homeworld of the Namekians, the planet possesses moss-like blue grass and green oceans, and green skies. Vegetation is sparse, mostly made up of thin trees with bushy tops. Animal life is even more sparse, with a few aquatic species joining the predominant Namekian population. Very few know of this world or its people.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Conquered by the Saiyans, planet Vegeta is a common continental world with red skies. A large portion of the planet, now known as the Saiba Wastes, was reduced to a rocky zone void of life during the conquest of the world from its original inhabitants, the advanced Tuffles.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Cold #01
Description: A world of frozen continents and deeply cold oceans, the planet is largely considered uninhabitable by most other races of the galaxy. Yet, the Changelings conquered it and thrived. It has since become a major hub in the universe, as the heart of Changeling society.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: A world known for its region of tall, mountainous spires and being the homeworld of the enigmatic Yardrat. Most of the world is wrapped in thick cloud cover at any given time, and it is known to be a continental world dotted with numerous Yardratian cities and dense forests.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Often considered one of the finest natural gems of the universe, Konats is the homeworld of the Konatsian people. The planet is known for the beauty of its great meadows, tended to carefully by the deeply spiritual schools of swordsmen renowned among the population.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: A world of marginal habitability, one that most races struggle to be comfortable upon with its strangely high gravity, minimally breatheable atmosphere, and corrosive toxins throughout the rocky surface. Even the world's oceans, considered meager by most standards, are almost entirely lifeless. It is instead covered in sprawling cities, with little but wasteland between, populated heavily by artificial lifeforms such as Androids that have been cast out by their creators.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: Inhabited by the clairvoyant Kanassans, the planet Kanassa is another known for its great beauty. In particular, the ancient architecture of the people draws many visitors, as well as the usually still lakes that closely resemble proper mirrors.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Description: A rocky world with an immense 100Gs of gravity at the surface. The surface is covered by snake-like stretches of land, all of them completely interconnected, surrounding deep seas. Much of those stretches of land are red and dusty, with life and vegetation often only found at the shores. It's people, the long-headed Zoonians, are renowned for their resistance to extreme gravity.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
Interstellar Market
Description: The particularly large moon of a gas giant that, due to its convenient location and the presence of ample resources for spaceship fuel, has become the commercial hub of the universe. It is now almost entirely urbanized and functions as, largely, a single, giant marketplace. Populated heavily by Changelings, the wheeling and dealing of the Interstellar Market extends far beyond the official laws and regulations that govern commerce within.
Ruler: N/A
Status: Good Condition
The Afterlife
Check-In Station & Snakeway
Information: The meeting point of all souls of the universe before their judgment by King Yemma. All characters briefly appear here when they die, allowing them to attack each other should they die during the same Quarter. Players may also travel, via Snakeway, to the Four Kaio Worlds without Flight.
Status: Good Condition
The Four Kaio Worlds
Information: Four, small, plain worlds of grass, maybe a few trees, and a single home for the appropriate Kaio that lives there, each watching over a quadrant of the universe based on their cardinal direction -- North, South, East, and West. These are the homes of some of the finest Martial Arts Masters that have ever lived, and possess a heavy 10Gs of gravity. While here, characters may spend up to 400 EXP on Special Training per death, regardless of which location within the Afterlife that Special Training is done.
Status: Good Condition
Grand Kaio's World
Information: Above even Heaven is the large world of the Grand Kaio, the Kaio intended to watch over the entire Afterlife. This world possesses an expansive city, for many seek the guidance of the Grand Kaio and those he keeps close. It is the place within the Afterlife where many others who still possess their bodies, due to their strong wills, can be found.
Status: Good Condition
Information: A large, paradise world overlooking much of the Afterlife, the home of the souls of the good of the universe. Intended to be a pleasant resting place until reincarnation or, simply, for the rest of the eternity, though it often becomes far too boring for many.
Status: Good Condition
Sacred World of the Kais
Information: Kaioshin Sei. A world of incredible natural beauty, reserved only for the Kaioshin and those they invite, that orbits outside of the greater universal structure of the living universe and the afterlife. It is surrounded by many, small suns that keep it day across the world at all times. The completion of the Special Quest, Kaioshin Sei Invitation, is required to even fly to this location. While here, characters may spend up to 400 EXP on Special Training per death, regardless of which location within the Afterlife that Special Training is done.
Status: Good Condition
Information: A place of trials and tortures, or at least vague discomfort, intended to break the wills of evil souls who refuse to give themselves over to reincarnation. Evil Characters that attempt to leave will be attacked by an Afterlife Guardian NPC of at least 2x their Power Level and a thread will be created by the combat. Good Characters that attempt to enter will suffer the same. While here, characters may spend up to 400 EXP on Special Training per death, regardless of which location within the Afterlife that Special Training is done.
Status: Good Condition
Information: Also known as the Demon Realm. An endless void of rocky wastes and blood red located at the very bottom of the Afterlife and universe as a whole. Anyone here constantly feels like they're slowly falling. Escape, for anyone who isn't a Makai, is possible only through three wishes upon the Dragon Balls, which will return them to either Hell, Heaven, or the Check-In Station dependent upon their Alignment. Should your character spend a full year here, they will die permanently and be completely deleted.
Status: Eternal
Information: The meeting point of all souls of the universe before their judgment by King Yemma. All characters briefly appear here when they die, allowing them to attack each other should they die during the same Quarter. Players may also travel, via Snakeway, to the Four Kaio Worlds without Flight.
Status: Good Condition
The Four Kaio Worlds
Information: Four, small, plain worlds of grass, maybe a few trees, and a single home for the appropriate Kaio that lives there, each watching over a quadrant of the universe based on their cardinal direction -- North, South, East, and West. These are the homes of some of the finest Martial Arts Masters that have ever lived, and possess a heavy 10Gs of gravity. While here, characters may spend up to 400 EXP on Special Training per death, regardless of which location within the Afterlife that Special Training is done.
Status: Good Condition
Grand Kaio's World
Information: Above even Heaven is the large world of the Grand Kaio, the Kaio intended to watch over the entire Afterlife. This world possesses an expansive city, for many seek the guidance of the Grand Kaio and those he keeps close. It is the place within the Afterlife where many others who still possess their bodies, due to their strong wills, can be found.
Status: Good Condition
Information: A large, paradise world overlooking much of the Afterlife, the home of the souls of the good of the universe. Intended to be a pleasant resting place until reincarnation or, simply, for the rest of the eternity, though it often becomes far too boring for many.
Status: Good Condition
Sacred World of the Kais
Information: Kaioshin Sei. A world of incredible natural beauty, reserved only for the Kaioshin and those they invite, that orbits outside of the greater universal structure of the living universe and the afterlife. It is surrounded by many, small suns that keep it day across the world at all times. The completion of the Special Quest, Kaioshin Sei Invitation, is required to even fly to this location. While here, characters may spend up to 400 EXP on Special Training per death, regardless of which location within the Afterlife that Special Training is done.
Status: Good Condition
Information: A place of trials and tortures, or at least vague discomfort, intended to break the wills of evil souls who refuse to give themselves over to reincarnation. Evil Characters that attempt to leave will be attacked by an Afterlife Guardian NPC of at least 2x their Power Level and a thread will be created by the combat. Good Characters that attempt to enter will suffer the same. While here, characters may spend up to 400 EXP on Special Training per death, regardless of which location within the Afterlife that Special Training is done.
Status: Good Condition
Information: Also known as the Demon Realm. An endless void of rocky wastes and blood red located at the very bottom of the Afterlife and universe as a whole. Anyone here constantly feels like they're slowly falling. Escape, for anyone who isn't a Makai, is possible only through three wishes upon the Dragon Balls, which will return them to either Hell, Heaven, or the Check-In Station dependent upon their Alignment. Should your character spend a full year here, they will die permanently and be completely deleted.
Status: Eternal
Planet Destruction
The Dragon World could never be complete without one of the most iconic ideas of Dragon Ball: the total, physical destruction of an entire planet.
Theoretically, the destruction of a planet can happen in any thread. In order for it to be possible, a character must be present whose Transformed Power Level is at least 10,000,000. If this is the case, they are capable of choosing to destroy the planet in a thread they're actively participating in, whether a fight or for some other purpose. When this happens, characters (currently on or off the planet) will have two Quarters to join the thread freely and stop the character. If they cannot be stopped, or no one comes, the planet will be destroyed and will kill everyone else still on it who cannot survive such an event.
Locations within the Afterlife can be destroyed as well, often with deep ramifications upon the entire universe, and it's possible that a player-character attempting as much will see more resistance than merely other player-characters.
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